Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Years Resolutions + Staff Get Together

Hey guys!

New years is fast approaching, and with that comes new years resolutions... that never seem to be kept for more than a few weeks :P I'm hoping this year will be different. This year i have a few new years resolutions and I'm hoping I'll keep at least one of them.

So here are my new years resolutions:
  1. Get into shape: yes, this is partially me wanting to loose weight, but I also want to climb McGill's hill everyday without dying trying to get between classes. I with this resolution, I want to go to to gym twice a week, hopefully I'll be able to keep that schedule during midterms and finals too, but even if I can't I would want to go at least once a week. Part of this resolution was also to join a dance of a zumba class, and ST made me commit to that (at least for 5 classes) cause that is what she got me for Christmas! I am so excited cause hopefully, this will make me really want to commit to it for more than a few classes. We'll see how that works out for me.
  2. Do better in my classes: I didn't have the best study habit in CEGEP, and I kind of kept that going for my first semester in Uni, but I'm hoping I can kick that habit and get myself to focus in my classes and come home and take extra notes and listen to lecture recordings, cause I have to admit,. no matter how much I can't focus on them when I'm listening to them at home, they help in the long run! I also want to get studying done before midterms and finals hit, cause that would be a load off my back and might allow me to get some gym time as well.
  3. Get a lab job:  Now this one is because I am an undecided science student that is not looking at medical school in her future. I'm not looking into med school for a lot of personal reasons, one of them being that not being able to help some patients no matter how much I want to will kill me every time because I feel guilty really easily. So my only other option (not my only, but a big option) is a lab job. I would like to know what it's like to work in a lab to see if that is the life I would like to set myself up for. I don't care if this is a paid internship or even just a volunteer opportunity, I think it would be really cool to see what my future can hold for me. And this is also a resolution I want to keep for the next 2 years, or at least till before I get my undergraduate degree.
  4. Be more confident: I'm a pessimistic person and I would like to try to change that, even my a little. I know I've said I've been better at it, but it's still hard. And I understand that it's not always easy, but when my friends say something like "you look good today," I would like to believe that it's true. And maybe this will be easier when I get into shape, and maybe it won't make a difference. But I will try my best regardless.
  5. Be more careful with my money: I'll admit I'm already very good with my money, I'm not going to spend every penny I have once I get it, and I have money set aside in a savings account and I also have money that is not in the savings, but that I refuse to touch no matter how much I want to spend the money. And I admit, I made quite a bit of money this summer (mostly cause I worked my ass off and my boss milked every last hour he could get out of me), but I still somehow end up spending most of it... I have about 1/3 of it left. I guess granted that I haven't been working for 2 months that is very impressive, but I don't plan on getting a job until next summer, so I have to start being a little more money smart and start only getting what I really need, or items that I know I will use all the time. I will have to start asking myself "How often am I going to use/wear this?" and obviously, like I always do, look for good deals.
  6. Keep my close friends: This one I find may be the most important and maybe the hardest to keep for the year. Don't get me wrong, I want to make new friends as well cause there us nothing wrong with making your circle bigger, but I'm hoping that by this time next year I'll still be friends with ST, W, BB and Y (although we've been kind of getting distant lately). It will be hard cause I won't have classes with any of them next semester and out schedules aren't exactly hang out friendly (along with the insane work load our programs give us). But I hope that by this time next year we are all still as close as we are not (give or take a little on the closer or the not as close side). But I really wouldn't want to lose them anytime soon. They are the ones that keep me grounded and make sure I have a good time and make sure I don't over stress myself.
I think that's about it for my new years resolutions this year. Hopefully I will be able to keep at least one of them, well I'm hoping all, but we all know how long new years resolutions last :P

And I'm just going to add this here cause not much happened at the staff get together. We needed up being five people going out for a sushi supper. It was T, WL, LT, CL and myself. I thought it was going to be awkward since both T and WL don't talk much, but boy was I wrong, they talked and laugh the most I have ever seen them do either. I think LT might have felt the most awkward at the sinner, but he was always a little awkward :P But we all had a blast and we all laughed a lot and we ate so much sushi it was insane, the waiter even came back a few times to make sure that we were sure we wanted to order so much. But it was a blast and after a stressful time planning it, the supper itself definitely makes me want to plan something again. But remind me again why I am the one that plans staff parties?

P.s. The horse back riding was postponed and I couldn't make it on the new day, so no news there.

What are your resolutions?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's Snowmagedon!

Yes! I live in Montreal and we broke a record today, 45cm in less than 24hours! That is a lot a lot of snow! And yes, we had to dig ourselves out, at least I didn't have to drive on a day like today :P For those of you who did, you guys are brave souls! Anyone on the East coast that was hit with this storm and went out today. I decided today was a lazy day cause the snow just kept coming down! My mom, brothers and I shoveled twice today, and OMG, it is a workout! Both times we spent about an hour shoveling, and we didn't even shovel out a car! We just did stairs and driveway and it was a workout, I can feel my arms starting to get soar from the hard work! When the snow was all piled up, it was almost as high as I was! And I'm 5'5". But it was fun shoveling and seeing other people suffer through the same thing we were. It was a pretty insane day and I think my cousins from out of town are wishing that they were back in Toronto where the snow isn't as bad, I mean come one, they flip over 15cm, 15 is almost nothing to us Montrealers. Hopefully the city starts to clear the snow soon, cause this is crazy road conditions. The sidewalks around my house hasn't even been shoveled once by the city, everyone on my street is walking on the street and cars are driving in the opposite way.

I don't even want to go out the next few days cause I have had enough of snow, I kind of wish I took my friends offer and when to Florida with her and her family :( They have sun and nice weather (temperature wise). I miss the sun and the winter!

My next few days will be fun though :) So the snow will hopefully not be a bummer. I'll be bumming around tomorrow again and then I will be spending the day with ST on Saturday, then going out for sushi with my co-workers. Although a few of the people I wanted to see won't be making it :( MD just said he won't be able to make it and that kind of bummed be out cause I haven't seen him for such a long time. I don't know if his sister will make it since he isn't coming and I miss her too! But L, WL, LT and newly introduced CL will be able to make it :D BD  won't becoming since she was making a big deal out of everything and everyone took my side, which means that she's mad at me. So it she doesn't come G won't come, but I don't even care cause I like everyone that is coming :P

Then Sunday, H asked a bunch of us to go horseback riding. Yes in the middle of winter :p Among the invitees are ST and Y, so even thought it's going to be freezing, I'm sure we're going to have an awesome time :) And I have never gone horseback riding, well I have when I was 5 or 6, but it was on a school field trip, so there was a guy guiding the horse and it was only for about 5 minutes. I don't know if I should be scared or excited about this trip... maybe both?

I will tell you how these events go, if they turn out to be eventful :P


Saturday, December 22, 2012

What is Beauty?

We have so many different definitions for beauty. But what we all put our beauty reputation next to are the people we see on ads and billboards. We as a society have evolved to believe that what is beautiful is a size zero waist and long flowing hair, long lashes, and an ample bosom, long legs and the hour glass figure. But is that real beauty? Or is it the fake Photoshopped, starved model we see? There is more to beauty than what we see on the outside, we are all beautiful in different ways.

Yes, a lot of our outside counts for first impressions and of course we all try to look our best to impress the people we like. But think about it, the people who really matter to you, do they care if you have makeup on or not? Do they care if you're wearing sweatpants or a pair or designer jeans? For those of you who thought about your closest friends, then no, they don't care what you look like cause they'll love you no matter what you look like.

We have this perception on beauty being that we have to look like a model on a billboard to be beautiful, but do we? That model is Photoshopped, and it is a standard of beauty that a lot of us probably won't ever be able to achieve. I know that was harsh, but think about it, a lot of what we see on billboards is photoshop, insane dieting, and most importantly there is a lot of genetics involved. The people who are born super thin into the ideal size that we hold up to standard is genetics, and even then, the person is touched up before being put up on the ad. All of us are made up of different genes, yes we all have 23 pairs of chromosomes and yes we are all the same species, but does it matter? Does that make us all the same? No it doesn't we are all unique in our own ways and yes, that makes us all genetic mutants (without the super powers) but we are all special and we should all love ourselves the way we look. And you know what? We can't all look like the current It Girl, but we are all unique in our own ways and that is what makes us beautiful. And honesty if someone really loves you, they will love you for what's on the inside and out. Cause what's on the outside is just a shell for the amazing person we have on the inside.

And even if someone is insanely pretty on the outside, they can be a total bitch on the inside. You know those girls who walk around in  designer clothes and pretend to like everyone? Ya, they aren't so perfect, they are just like me and you, they have flaws too. We are all different inside and out, you can't judge a person based on their outside and not their personality. Now, I have to admit, I've judged people based on first impressions, and that is not always fair of me. And sometimes I am right, but sometimes I am totally wrong. And that has happened to many times with some people that I feel bad thinking that way about them at the beginning. But what I wanted to say with this post is that we should give everyone a chance, just because they aren't a ten on your scale doesn't mean that they don't have the ability to really surprise you.

Remember that you are all beautiful

And yes, for those of you wondering, I am not pretty. I'm not one of those people who walk around in designer things and have makeup on all the time. But I am also a hypocrite cause even though I am writing this post telling you all to think of yourselves as beautiful, I don't find myself pretty and I have self esteem problems and wish I looked more like girls on the billboards. But I'm working on it, and I have good and bad days, but I try. And I think everyone of you should try to see yourselves as beautiful too.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Studying Tips

So EXAMS are finished! Yes they finally are! Celebrate!! Yes, I am aware that this would make a lot more sense it it were a vlog, but it isn't so use your imagination!

So yes, exams are over and like I promised, I'll mention some studying techniques I've developed. Remember thought that this is from my experience and not everyone studies the same way.

TIP #1
So what I found helpful was to study on your own first. So review everything on your own then review it all with a friend or in a group. This helps because you know your stuff, but discussing it either helps you know for sure that you understand something cause you can explain it or it help you understand things that you didn't before. and let's all admit, friends generally explain stuff a lot simpler than your teacher. I don't know why teachers like to over complicate everything for nothing! They spend half and hour on one topic, but it takes you five minutes to re-explain it! Why do you have to make everything so complicated?!

TIP #2
Take a few breaks when you study, plan the breaks out. So tell yourself. I'm going to study for an hour then I can check my FB or Twitter or text so and so. This gives you some motivations and taking a break is always a nice way to relax and decompress even if it's only for fifteen minutes. But don't just sit in your room all day! Change the environment up a little! Changing your environment can give you a little extra motivation.

TIP #3
Listen to music, well this one I find it depends on what you're studying. So for understanding concepts I like to have upbeat songs. Ones that get you pumped up and moving around. Hopefully not dancing around cause then no dancing get's done. But if you're memorizing something, I find it better to study in silence cause you can hear yourself repeating the facts over and over again. Earplugs may help, but I don't have any :P

TIP #4
Keep a stash of food with you when you study, we all get hungry and having the food there saves the times it would have taken you to go to the kitchen and find the food and at the same time get distracted. I also find it helpful to have food cause I get hungry when I study.

TIP #5
Start studying in advance! If you have a bunch of finals all mushed up, make a schedule and plan out when to study for what. I didn't break it down to the minutes, but I was like "Okay, this in the morning and hopefully I'll get through half the material, then this at night and get to this lecture." And obviously I didn't always stick to the plan, but it helped to have a general guideline.

TIP #6
Don't get discouraged when you don't understand something. Try to move on to something else then come back to it. and if it still doesn't work, ask a friend, Google, ask a TA or even the prof.

Those are my tips for now. And remember! We all have different studying styles. Some of  us study best in silence, while others need background noise. Some people study best in a comfortable position and others in a chair with their back straight. I know mine have changed over the years.

So what are some of your studying tricks?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again

So yup, it's that time of year again... You got it FINALS! (yay -.-)

So I've been super busy catching up in all my courses, that I somehow let myself fall behind in. Yes all of them... I have no idea how that happened, well yes I do, I blame work (when I was employed), friends (so distracting), laziness, having a social life, work friends...Well you get it the list goes on. But ya, I am somehow lucky enough to have six finals my first semester of Uni. I am just that bright to take a more than average course load for my program first semester.

So was broken down to:
-Finished school on the 5th
-Exam 1 on the 6th
-Exam 2 on the 7th
-Exam 3 & 4 on the 11th
-Exam 5 on the 14th
-Exam 6 on the 19th

So yes, I am more than half way through and I am slowly turning to a zombie. So yes, I am aware that it is almost one in the morning and no, I am not studying. I needed a break from my finals today. So I haven't done anything since I got home. Well, except eat and sleep and now blogging :)

I've noticed that I haven't really posted anything in a while, so I decided, since I am doing nothing why not update you guys? But there isn't much to tells since all I'm doing is studying, sipping tea and going crazy. After my last final though, I will post about the do's and don't's of studying that work for me, well I'm hoping I will, but from the sounds of it, it might be boring.

So for all of you out there who are in school: STUDY YOUR ASS OFF! Unless you're done school, then I kind of hate you right now :P

Until next time,

Monday, November 26, 2012

Potential Shopaholic?

So in less than a month I somehow spent over 800$ on stuff. This is not just on Black Friday... but I think that played a key role in it too. But in my defense, I feel like I got a decent amount of stuff for the bill that I'll be getting. So here is a list of the stuff I bought that will be on this bill (some of the stuff are presents for Christmas for family members)
  • iPod Touch 5th generation in blue
  • 2 pairs of leggings
  • a cute tank top
  • a long sleeveless sheer button down shirt that can be used as a dress(ish)
  • facial mask from Clinique
  • Blotting sheets from Bosica
  • nail polish set from the Sephora Collection
  • Smashbox Photo Finish Color Correcting Foundation Primer
  • bow shirt
  • shirt with sequenced sleeves
  • black jeggings
  • sweater (for my brother)
  • Reached by Ally Condie
  • Hidden by P.C. and Kristin Cast
  • Vampire Diaries- The Hunters vol 3 by L.J. Smith
  • Insurgent by Veronica Roth
  • black and white striped sweater
  • light and dark blue striped shirt
  • 3 t-shirts (for my brothers)
  •  my Secret Santa present ;) (2 parts)
  • and some food here and there (Tim Hortons and Starbucks)
I feel like it's a decent hull, but it's still a significant amount of money... and I'm not working anymore so there is no way for me to make my money back until next summer.

To solve this problem, I've told all my close friends that if I want to get something, they must stop me from getting it. I am only allowed to buy Christmas presents and Timmies, but I need ti stop buying that too.

What do you guys think? Would you have regretted the purchases?


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Update 2.0

Hey guys!

So multiple things I want to talk about today. Most of which are unrelated... I think. Well I kind of hope they all fit into one another so it would be easier to understand.

So first on the menu, Finals are coming up. I am scared crazy right now because I'm behind in almost ever single class and I feel like even though I'm up to date... I don't know anything. I'm scared because although most of my midterms went okay (there was room for improvement) I didn't do so well in a few classes. And I'm afraid that I'll mess us in the finals too. I have five courses six finals. YES SIX -.- I am stressing out and the first two are back to back, then three days later I have two on the same day, then two days later I have another final, and finally five days before the last one. and I am upset because the last one is the one that I believe I need the least time studying for... School how I hate you... But I'm hoping I do well this semester because it would really help to kick off my Uni life with a pretty good GPA.

Secondly, I just got the 5th Generation iPod touch, and I am loving it! I got it in blue and it is such a pretty shade of blue. I had the old 3rd gen one and not having a camera on it was killing me (along with the fact that half my apps no longer worked). I got it about a week ago and I honestly love it. Y likes to iMessage so it comes in handy with her. I also love that it's easier for me to use Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. Consequently, it also makes for a good distraction in class when I'm bored. That's it for shinny new toys.

Next on the list is Black Friday. So you guys (most of you guys) know I live in Canada, so we don't have the crazy super sales or anything. But we do have a few decent ones. I'm not one of the people who go for high end stuff. More casual places like American Eagle and Garage and stuff. And I picked up a few things. I feel like a lot of the stores had a lot of hype around their sales, but there really wasn't anythings special about them. A few places had 40% off everything, which I thought was a good deal, but most places just had sales on their sale items. I ended up spending over 150 today though, although about half of that was on books. Because yes... I am a bookworm :P

Lastly, I would like to address a situation that ST probably wants to read about... L. So ST and Y have met L and at a point they both wanted me to either become better friends with him or a little more than that. But I'm having issues ever since they mentioned this, cause last year I kind of did have a crush on him. and I put that aside. But I always felt like we had pretty good chemistry, like we play fight and we make fun of one another all the time (well him more than me). But he's kind of like that with everyone I guess, well a little (I know he's like to all the pretty girls at work. And before ST jumps to conclusions: I am not one of the pretty ones). So ya, but there are so many negative aspects, like he parties all the time, he drinks a lot. He smokes pot often. and I find smoking is a huge turn off. But he's also nice to me, in his weird way and he's smart too, he dropped out of school but he is still very knowledgeable. That's another thing! He dropped out of school! He's planning to go back... but I don't know. Maybe ST is right and I just don't want it to go any further than this, maybe cause I'm scared... I don't know. But ti's so annoying cause we were shopping today and every time I saw a nice men's sweater, I though "Hey that would look good on L" and it annoys me... and I don't know why. cause I don't like him!

Anyways it is 1:15 and I have to get some Biology done... yay -.- Wish me luck!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Staff Night

Hey guys!

So I co-organized a staff night last night with one of my coworkers and we had a blast. Not everyone showed up of course. But the ones that did all had fun. We were supposed to be 10 peoples, but MD and his sister couldn't make it last minute cause they had a family supper to go to, but we had fun without them. It's fun to be with coworkers when you aren't stressing and you have time to all sit down and eat at the same time. I met up with GW at work and we hung around till she was done and then we walked over to meet up with everyone else. We all ate, but one of our co-workers, LT, had to leave early.

We all jokes around about work, movies, school, and it was nice cause for once we weren't all stressed about work related things. G had classes, but he joined us afterwards and we left the restaurant. Half of us went to a pub afterwards and the other half went to go watch Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2. I went to the pub with 2 other of my coworkers and we just talked about boys and their past relationships. We ended the night by taking pictures in a photo booth :P It was a nice well spent away from school stress.

Then this morning I posted a picture of all of us at the restaurant with the caption to my boss going "admit it you miss us ;)", and my boss replies "if u would've invited me, I would've paid ;)". The relationship I have with my boss is honestly not a normal employer/employee relationship, but that's what makes it fun.

Everyone's telling me that we should do staff night again, but that obviously means "Hey J, you should plan something like this again!" So yup, I'll be planning the next event too. And next time I'll invite my boss too, so he can pick up the tab :P

See you guys soon :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

20 (More) Things about J

Hey guys, so I had a challenge with the last 20 Things about J so I decided to do another one :) Here goes (again):

  1. I love to bake (cookies, brownies, cakes, etc)
  2. I want to learn how to play guitar and the piano
  3. I've held 5 guys hands that I remember of. One of my childhood crush, 2 different Matthew's in the past year (yes I just broke my no name rule on that one), one with a guy at my birthday party last year (we were eating and we just held hands), and one that was with a guy I kind of liked but didn't.
  4. I know how to knit, but just basic stuff
  5. I taught myself how to swim (I'm not good at it, if you pushed me into a deep pool, I would probably drown)
  6. I'm a huge pessimist, although I hate it and try not to be
  7. My favorite part of my body are my lips, then it would be my eyes
  8. I currently have 5 best friends (W, ST, Y, BB and H)
  9. If I could be anything in life, I would want to be an actress
  10. I feel like I've gotten a lot more confident over the past year (I'm still a push over though :P but it's getting better)
  11. I've cried in front of a teacher (thankfully he was a social worker too, so he didn't make it awkward for me, well anymore awkward than it already was)
  12. I've had a crush on 10 guys (4 of them were blond with blue eyes)
  13. I talk about work way to much, and hang out around work to much too
  14. If I could live anywhere in the world it would probably be New York (in a city girl)
  15. My dream house would include a bay window (so I can sit there and read), and a pool in the backyard
  16. I wish I could get someone to let me decorate their house completely to my design
  17. I will almost never admit it, but I love hugging AA, he makes me feel safe and stress free for some reason
  18. my favorite food is seaweed (on sushi or roasted or in soup or in salad)
  19. My favorite cartoon character is Pikachu
  20. I love to sing and dance (but I'm not good at either)
Another 20 things about me completed! This one was a little trickier to finish, I had to think about a lot of these :) But I did it! So now you know 40 things about me total.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Girls Night

Hey guys,

I just had a girls night at Y's house and we bakes a cheesecake that, get this, didn't even have to be backed! Isn't that amazing? I was so surprised that you can make a cheesecake without baking it. WE went grocery shopping first and then we dropped by Wendy's for supper and then we went back to her house to watch Burlesque. Then we finally got around to making the cake. It was really fun cause I generally bake alone :p So it was nice having company :) We fooled around too, she put whipped cream on my face and we were blasting music and dancing around too.

But when I was in her room, I was playing with her guitar. YES she has a guitar! I was so excited cause I've always wanted to learn and after laying around with hers I am convinced to go out and buy myself a guitar now! I really want to learn how to play guitar. I'm hoping H can still maybe teach me, when ever he finds free time in his schedule... He's always so busy.

What I wanted to say in the last paragraph before I got side tracked by excitement was that playing the guitar at Y's house reminded me of when I spent 2 hours in a music shop and H played the guitar for me for about an hour. And I can't help but think how nice that was, we ended up getting kicked out of the store cause they were closing :P That was a really nice worry free little time in that day.

Okay so back to girls night, we were singing our hearts out in the car whenever we were in there, and then I got to meet her mom and uncle, and officially her sister. It was fun, I watched them play cards. I got t joke around with her family and got to know her brother a little better :) It was a fun night and I'm totally down to do it again, except this time with ST too! You hear me? You better be there next time!

Anyways it's late and I should be getting to bed, I'll tell you guys how the cake turned out since it's chilling in the fridge right now :P


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

20 Things About J

Hey guys,

So I have nothing much to blog about so I though "Hey! Why not let you guys know me a little better?" So here goes, and if I run out before 20 facts... Well I tried!

  1. I am an Asian that was born and raised (and still being raised) in Montreal, Canada
  2. I'm agnostic, I am not part of any religious group but I believe that there is someone or something out there watching us and taking care of use or being a pain and giving us obstacles
  3. I am a pretty social person (depending on the situation)
  4. I love to read, I can spend days on end reading (brain candy books though :P)
  5. I don't find guys cute very often
  6. I've never dated
  7. I've kissed a stranger (a french kiss)
  8. I used to write short stories and dreamed of getting them published one day (and then I realized that they were all garbage)
  9. I am very attached to my friends and the people I love, so it's hard for me to let go
  10. I enjoy sketching on my free time, or creative writing and poetry (I'm pretty artsy sometimes)
  11. I get caught up in what I do very easily and all my attention and focus is focused on that one thing
  12. I have a thing for blonds and blue eyes ;)
  13. I like wearing dresses (A LOT!) but I almost never wear them
  14. I have not set goals for what I'm going to do after my undergrad degree (or after my grad studies or whatever comes after that)
  15. I like to make people smile, I actually hope that I'm my friends go to person when they are down, cause it seems like most of the time I can get a smile out of them
  16. The longest crush I've had lasted 5 years (then on and off after that for another year or so)
  17. I'm more materialistic than I would like to admit
  18. I tend to push everyone but my close friends away
  19. I have a really hard time figuring out if I like a guy or not
  20. My favorite color is purple (if you couldn't tell form my blog)
OMG I did it! :) 20 facts about myself. They probably aren't that detailed, bat that's what I came up with.

Also I just wanted to note that some of you may know that H and I were ignoring/not talking to one another a while back. I just wanted to note that we've started talking again. We've been texting each other the past two days. Mostly me being frustrated at him, which is new cause I'm usually so tolerant of him :P. So ya, we're talking again. I'll keep you guys updated on that.

Till next time, remember that confidence is something that looks good on everyone.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Last Shift... Ever?

So yesterday was my last shift! I am so excited because this means that I can finally have time to myself, like time to read and sleep! I miss sleep pretty badly :P So yup. I am free and after tomorrow night, I will be free for about a month before I have to worry about finals. I have a feeling I'll just slack off like crazy now that I don't have work. But I guess we'll just have to see. But I am glad that 3 hours of my days won't be spent getting to and from work. It was tiring and it took me two hours to get to work yesterday TWO! My brother left before I did like an hour later and got in before I did (for those of you wondering, it's because he took a different route from what we usually take and there was no traffic his way).

Yesterday at work, I got pretty annoyed at a co-worker. I'll call get BD, she started arguing with my brother and I didn't speak out because she was arguing with my brother, but what happened was that she was arguing with him in front of customers when we were rushing. I found it unprofessional so I told them to stop arguing cause we had customers. So of course she gets pissed at me. I guess for telling her what to do, or maybe for protecting my brother, although I would have said it if she was arguing with anyone else. But ya, then she just leaves the store for an hour when we were mid rush and doesn't send anyone over. And then she shows up an hour and a half later an just gives me attitude. People sometimes... Well at least I probably won't ever work with her ever again... Hopefully.

But aside from problems with BD I had a pretty good shift, I was working with people liked in my store, yes that includes my brother :P We were mostly all dressed up, so we were a team of two normal looking employees, a scientist, an Asian mobster/PSY and a convict. I was the convict, dressed in a orange jumpsuit, with my arms chained and Prisoner #255 on the back of my jumpsuit (for those of you who work with me or know what 255 at work is, it is my sense retarded sense of humor at work). A little kid actually asked it I was a real prisoner :P. It was fun but the suit got annoying after a while. My boss kept telling me he found the outfit funny, he also chained me to the sink... He was dragging me around the store and was like "We have to chain you to something!"

I'm kind of sad that the season is over, but I'm happy too. I'm going to miss my co-workers... a lot more than I would like to admit. and my boss, and even working... but I need the sleep and the extra time to study. I don't know if I will be back next year... I probably will but not full time, just for special occasions. I just posted that last night was my last shift and someone was like "Last shift of the season right? RIGHT??" and to be honest I'm just not sure, I know she wants me to go back and be her manager and I am flattered at she would want to work under me (well she already does) but it's nice to know that she would like me as her manager. One of my current managers also told me that I would make a good manager and that means a lot to be because I respect her a lot.

And this is a side note and has nothing to do with my last shift, but I figure it's somewhat work related, but G and L from work know I have a blog, I forgot how the conversation cam up. But L keeps asking me if I talk about him on my blog and what I call him on it... is that kind of weird?

Tell me what you guys I should do for next year and if the whole L thing is weird...


Friday, October 19, 2012

Rainy Feelings for a Rainy Day

You know those rainy days when you don't want to do anything, you just want to lie around and sleep all day and worry about tomorrow... well tomorrow? And then you find yourself waking up the next day regretting not doing anything the previous day? Well yes, today is one of those days.

I have two more midterms to go through and they are the trickier ones, but I'm just not motivated to study, but I know I have to since I work tomorrow, and I'll be tired on Sunday. But I really just can't bring myself to sit down and study. I feel restless, but tired, hungry all the time, and then I regret eating all the things that I ate. I keep trying to find distractions, but even the distractions start to annoy me. And then I just end up doing nothing, and then getting mad at myself for doing nothing. It's just super complicated in my head right now, it's like I want to do something, but I don't at the same time. And I know I said it was out of the funk, but maybe I'm not cleared yet.

It may also have to do with the fact that it is midterm season, and the marks I have been getting back aren't as good as I expected. Although they are still very good marks, I wanted them to be better, I kind of expected myself to work on school a lot harder than I have been. I only have myself to blame though, cause I could always focus more or work harder. I just can't bring myself to focus on school.

And sometimes I want to just sot down with someone and talk about this, but honestly, everyone's busy with their own stuff, and they're stressing out too. I'm not the only one worried about marks and a personal life and school and work. A lot of other people are too. I just have to find a good stress reliever mechanism... that doesn't involve any illegal things :P

So ya, there's school, there's work... I'm excited to work, but I'm also getting really tired of it. The hours are long, the shifts are a little too strenuous. We are underpaid... but I keep telling myself that I only have two more weeks, then I'm done for the season, and next season is well next season. I'll worry about that when it comes... but I still find myself thinking about next season, and I keep trying to make a decision, when in reality, I have other things to worry about.

I've also been sick the past few days, fevers, soar throat, congested nose, runny nose... it's just super inconvenient when you have to worry about midterms and getting better... Also, when you're the kid who keeps blowing your nose and sneezing in class, you kind of get annoyed at yourself.

I know that I should talk to my friends or family about my stress and that will help me, but I just don't feel comfortable talking about this to my family and worrying them in a sense, like I used to talk to my mom, but I could kind of tell that she didn't understand why I was always so stressed. And my friends are all just so happy right now, I don't want to burden them with stuff. Like Y just started a new relationship, and I would rather see her being happy then her worrying about me. ST seems to be really happy with someone the people that she's met in her program. W is really busy studying and volunteering and she's busy trying to figure out what she wants to do after grad school.

And H... I don't know what happened to him, but I feel like we aren't even friends anymore. I feel like he's avoiding me, or he may be to stressed, I just keep giving him the benefit of the doubt, but I feel like we're just drifting apart and that we will never be as good of friends as we were last semester. And what bothers me is that I care that he may or may not be avoiding me. It pisses me off, more than I would like to admit. I keep thinking I may have done something to make him treat me this way, but I sort of have a feeling I haven't done anything. I don't know it's just do you really go from showing that you really care about someone to ignoring them the next week? I just want to give up on him, but something inside me won't let me. I know I'm over him, but I just don't want to lose our friendship...


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Out of the Funk... ish

Hey guys!

So I've been having a pretty up and down week, well if you guys read my blog regularly you know why. But it's been getting a lot better and I think it's officially over. I am passed my funk, well for everything but midterms :P But yes, I am out of my funk! Just an FYI, I go through mini depression moment a few times a yer, generally when I'm over stressed. So o worries :D

Okay, so after last weekend, I thought my boss would be pissed at me for yelling at him, but he wasn't! So let me start from the beginning. So after last weekends crazy day, I found out that my boss messed up my paycheck, and I sent him a not so nice text saying that he messed it up. And I had a feeling he was really pissed off at me. He was supposed to work with me tonight (last night), so I was thinking of ways I could kind of make up for it, without apologizing, cause I found that I had no reason to. But he calls me and tells me hat he won't be working with me and that he was going to send his brother i law to come work with me. After that call I though he was super pissed at me and just "I don't want to deal with her." But it turns out that I was wrong (or I think). He came in and said hi to us (cause he had to drop off some things we needed for the catering) and when I said hi, he looked at me with this (I have no other way of saying it), guilty face, like a little kid when he knows he did something wrong face. But for all I know it could have been his "I hate you face." But we talked for like 2 seconds and he had to leave for another party. So I think things are going well between us.

And of course, midterms are coming up! And I am stressing, because my first one is Monday and I haven't done anything for it yet... well I have but not enough, I haven't even gone through all the notes yet and I still have to do the practice problems... I am stressing I basically have one ore day to do it all... and my assignment. I hate being a student -.-


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Best Friends

You know you are surrounded by very good friends when they are all willing to drop what they're doing and help you in your time of need.

I've been down in a funk lately and work really hasn't helped especially with Midterms coming up. I worked 23 hours this weekend (not in 3 days in 2!). I was super tired from Saturdays shift and I knew my boss wasn't going to let me go home early on Sunday cause I was the only Operations Manager in, so I had to suck it up and do my 12 hour shift. But as it turns out, by the end of the night, I was the only person left to close all the stores... cause he took the manager with him for a catering job. I was already pissed all day, I was with a girl I didn't like, I was having mood swings all day, and then to close the stores, I had to stay an extra hour and almost a half! I was so pissed cause I worked 13 hour and only got a freaking 20 minute break! 1) that is not legal 2) My boss was a fricking idiot (Yes I told him to his face in a not so nice way) and 3) it's not even moral on his part to make me work this much. At least he had the decency to drive me home. i left a huge mess in one of the stores, but I know he wouldn't say a word to me cause I was so pissed at him. i finished after the buses for Laronde ended and after the last metro. I even swore at a customer, that never EVER happens. It was a horrible day to say the least.

But eve since Thursday I've been feeling stressed and depressed and this really just pushed me of the edge. I just completely broke down today, on the bus! ON THE BUS? Like who does that? Well obviously me. So I got off 8 stops early and called H and we talked until I got home.

I was also on the phone with ST for 2 hours last night talking stuff over.

I'm just glad I have all my close circle of friends supporting me. And it may be selfish of me to say, it's nice to know that they all care about me so much. They put aside what they were doing, studying, preparing for labs, getting ready, anything just to talk to me over the past few days. it truly is amazing.

I know half of them don't read this blog, but thank you to H, ST, W, Y, and AB  for being there for me when I needed them, cause honestly without them, I wouldn't know what to do right now. They support me and are willing to be there for me all the time. And sometimes I feel bad using up all their time when they have other things to do. I love these friends to death.

And as I was writing this, an earthquake hit Montreal. It's like the Earth is moved by my friends too :P

I just hope I can be there for my friends when they need me, just liek how they are always there for me when I need them.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Night Thoughts

Hey guys!

So tonight, I had my shortest shift ever! It was only 3 hours long! Yup, before this my shortest shift was 5 hours. All I did was a catering job for a party, so I didn't even have to do much, just show up, set up, serve, clean and leave. And the best part, was I spent a few hours doing nothing but texting and talking to my boss about nonsense. Not to mention that I got to eat the most delicious cookies EVER! They were amazing.

I also got into a fight, well ish, with W, she's mad at me for a prank I pulled on her. But I'm oping we can go back to being best friends, cause I'm s close to her, it feels weird to talking to her. Hopefully she'll forgive me eventually, cause I miss her like crazy :(

You know how people say that bet friends can always fight, butt hen they become friends again super quickly? Well, as much as I want to believe that, I don't think that's always true, I lost a lot of friends through fights, but I;m seriously hoping W isn't one of them...

Anyways, I am tired and need my beauty rest, until next time. And I also hope you guys are getting enough sleep, cause nothing feels better than a whole good nights sleep. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

So Tired...

Hey guys,

So yesterday was my first 16 hour shift EVER! and I am dead tired... We had a huge order at work yesterday. Making 13000 pastries for the order. I was supposed to work 1-11, then it got changed to 11:30-11 which isn't that bad, a normal double shift for me. Then my boss asked me to go in for 9:30... I said no, but ended up going in for 10 anyways.

We started off my making about 2000 Beavertails in 2 hours, then we started serving out guests. They day itself was really nice cause I got to work with MD and G, so we were just fooling around all day, my boss even caught me making a dough man on the job :P.

Then at 10, my boss calls me to see if I wanted to do a catering job at a wedding. Cause yes, Beavertails caters now, but only in Montreal. So I ended up going to a hall to serve Beavertails. So we leave to go to the catering, and I didn't have the "right" official Beavertails uniform on, so my boss made me wear his shirt. It's really funny, cause my co-worker was like "Umm J, we usually wear our boyfriends shirts... Not our bosses..." That was funny and we laughed pretty hard about that. Ohh work seriously doesn't feel like work most of the time. I ended up getting home around 2 in the morning yesterday... so a 10AM-2AM shift :) What a joy, well to some degree it was.

Well that's all I wanted to tell you guys about :)
Until next time!

Friday, September 21, 2012

One Woman Left Behind

Have you guys ever worried, that one day someone you really care about is just going to get up and leave you?

Well I think that more often than I would like to admit. I mean I know my friends are not literally going to just walk away from me. But what I mean is, sometimes don't you wonder why certain people are friends with you, or how these people can stand being around you all the time? I'm not saying that I'm a horrible friend (well at least I hope I'm not a horrible friend).

So I'm super happy that all my friends get along so well, it makes it a lot less awkward when you want to do group activities or just hanging out around campus. But sometimes I think what if they get along better than I do with either one of them, and they find each other more interesting than they find me. What if their friendship just buds of on it's own and mine is left alone. I'm not too concerned that that will happen this year, but what about in a few years from now (granted I still have the same close circle of friends). But I sometimes do wonder if some of my friends will just kind of grow out of our friendship and just leave me behind for another one of my friends or with someone completely different. I know this is a normal process in life, where you lose some people in your life and gain other friends in the process, but the group of friends I have right now (W,ST,H,AK,BB and Y) are amazing. They are like a supportive net for any problems that come my way. I know I would do anything for them and they would do the same for me. And I love that about them. They are honestly some of the closest friends I've ever had. Now I'll admit, some of them know me better than others, and I know some of them better than others, but I love them all.

I've lost friends before, so it's not like if I were to lose one of them I would stop functioning, but thinking about losing them makes me sad... I just hope we remain good friends throughout the rest of our university life, and hopefully for the rest of our lives :)


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Time to Catch Up

Hey guys!

So I know it hasn't been that long since I've last updated, but I don't really want to study, so I'm here talking (typing) away. So it's officially been a week since school started, and I am loving it! Sure, the classes are a little harder than before, and there is a lot more reading than before, but it is fun, well maybe being in a class with 700 other people make it seem fun. But yup, I've been seeing most of my friends in the past few days, and even caught up with some I forgot about :P I know I'm a wonderful friend.

So I've been hanging out with H the past few days, like for breaks and after classes and stuff. I was scared that I might have lost him as a really good friend, but surprisingly, we've been able to slip into our usual friendship. It's not as awkward as it was last year after I told him how I felt about him, which is really nice cause I was getting tired of tip-toeing around and trying to find things to say that didn't make our conversations awkward, but we just had a conversation where I was talking about come cute co-workers and it didn't feel awkward (at least on my end). I'm really glad that our friendship seems to not be at a standstill cause I would seriously miss him a little too much. It's nice to have him round and just hear him mumble about anything, and to get into our usual banter about nothing and everything. I no longer get an increased heart rate when seeing him, and I no longer feel nervous around him, so now it's like we truly are best friends.

I've also been spending a lot of time with ST, and Y. I have to say I am so happy that all my friends get along with one another, now I know some of you are like, but you're all friends, shouldn't you all get along anyways? The thing is these are all friends that I've met separately throughout the last few years. So I'm glad that my different friendships can function as one huge one :).

Now there is one person that I've caught up with just today actually, that I kinda forgot about... well not forgot about, but just never got around to texting or calling, well to be fair, he hasn't tried to contact me either. So we're even on that front. I've started talking to SB again. Y asked H about him today and I was like oh ya! SB is still around. H was like you know "SB says that you don't love him anymore and you just ignore him," so I'm like might as well text him. He's still usual SB, calling me son and acting like my mom and being, well weird... Not that i have any normal friends anyways. But yupp it was fun chatting with him after the whole summer.

Other than that I'm just slacking off most of my school work, Instead of reading and writing my own notes at home, I've been hanging out with Y after school, going bubble tea and shopping all the time. I'm also going to try to stick to a weekly work out at my schools athletic complex. Hopefully I'll be able to get fit and loose a few pounds along the way :P and hopefully it will be a good way to channel my stress.

Until next time,

Sunday, September 9, 2012

University & the End of Summer

Hey Guys!

So University has started, and I am excited! I know it's going to be a challenge, but it's one I'm looking forward to. This year I'll also be working part time the whole school year (well hopefully the whole school year).

The first week of university is already over and it's not as hard as I thought it would be, it's somewhat like CEGEP (for now anyways), and the one big difference is that being at Mcgill means that I have to hike from Sherbrooke to Pine all the time, and I'm an idiot that only gives myself 10 minutes to get up for my next class... Yes, winter will be wonderful. The other difference is that there is over 750 students in each of my classes. As my friends say: "It's just like in the movies!" The work in some of my classes is somewhat similar to CEGEP work, so I could kind of take it easy for now, as long as I don't fall behind.

I have classes with a lot of old friends this semester too, I have classes with W, ST, H, Y and MK. I'm not sure if there's anyone else, but they are the people that I think of off the top of my head. I've also made a few new friends, well one that I talk to everyday so far. I've mostly been hanging out with W, ST, Y, and a friend I will now name LI. I've known LI for about a semester now cause we had a few classes together in CEGEP

I don't really have anything super exciting to share, cause nothing much has happened yet. It's always the usual: school, work, reading... nothing much has changed.

Ohh and this summer, I have read a total of 19 books! I'm on book 20 right now, and hopefully be done by next weekend, that will be cheating on my goal of 20 books for the summer, but I'm not ready to just dive into my school textbooks just yet. Yes I'm aware of my nerdiness, and I am proud to say that I read so much over one summer, all while working 35-50 hours a week. It has been a total of 19 books which is 7300 pages in total. Some of the books on my list will have to wait until Christmas break and I'm not going to buy anymore books until I'm done with the books I really want to read, and there is still a few left on my list of yet to reads.

Also, for those who live in Quebec, I'm sure you know that The Parti Quebecois won the last provincial elections, and let me just say, Thank God it's a minority win, cause we would not be able to handle a majority one. Marois (party leader) claims that she wants to stop the tuition hikes (which will stop the striking students), abolish Bill78 (which is the law that doesn't allow you to wear a mask while protesting) and of course she is a sovereigntist, so she is pushing for a referendum, and for big companies such as Tim Hortons and McDonalds to have more french names. Now she may be in power, making you think that she has a lot of followers, and although she does, a lot of Quebeckers voted for her, just to have someone new be in power, because Charest has been in power for about 9 years. A lot of people in Quebec actually don't support the referendum, I believe only about 30% support the idea. So we are all hoping that the day when we have to decide if Quebec will become it's own country will never come, but we never know. In the mean time, a lot of anglophones are looking for houses in Ontario, or in H's case, preparing for the worst.

Tell me what you guys think of the election result or if you don't live in Quebec, do you think Quebec has anything to offer the world as it's own country?

Until next time, party hard, study hard and laugh even harder :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Looking at the Future

Hey guys!

So I've finished book 18 for the summer (sorry ST, I know I said 19... I miss counted).

One of my friends is moving to ttawa this weekend... I haven't really spoken aout her on my blog, but she is present in my life She's one of those people who are mean honest to you, and even though you know they are being honest, her comments hurt. Like you should be able to sencor your thoughts before saying them type mean. But she's nice, I'll let you guys know her as S, this actually might be her first and last time showing up on my blog since she's moving and I don't know how often we'll be able to talk or hang out. So yes, S is sometimes mean and hurtful, but she is always there to listen and there to lend a hand, and even though she is mean, I'm glad she is around to offer her opinion, cause even though it's mean, it gives you an insight on what people think of you.

This post isn't just about me talking about her though :P For those who are interested in H news, well good news! We've been talking again! He just got back from a vacation in Cuba. And he apologized for this Awolness. He says that he isn't good at staying in touch with people, which probably mean that if I want to be his friend, I must be the annoying one that bugs him all the time so we don't drift apart.... Oh how things don't change from CEGEP all that much... But yes, we will keep in touch no matter what >.< and whether he likes it or not, I've already warned him. We have a class together this semester, so maybe it won't be all that hard :) AA has promised to be my study buddy since we don't have any classes together. SB is well, non existent :P I haven't talked to him since about mid/end June... I also have a class with W, and I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of each other, at least this year... I can't say about the years after that though. I have a feeling I'm going to have a whole new set of friends by the end of this year, which kinda scares me but at the same time gets me excited. I mean I'll miss everyone cause it'll be different in a sense and some of the people I'm friends with right now are friends from High school, and they are friendships I want to keep for a long time and hope that these people will grow and change with me, maybe not in the same ways and not through the same experiences, but I would like to see them in my future. And by them I mean W, BB, O, Y, ST, AK, and maybe even H, if we end up keeping in touch. Of course I've said this about many friendships over the years and I haven't really been in touch with some people for a long long time, so I know I'll end up loosing some of these people in the long run a well, but I'm hoping I won't.

Also, this school year I shall be employed to work about 10-15 hours a week (I know! Perfect hours for students who want  bit of pocket change). I don't need the job for the money though, it's more for my CV and just keeping myself busy. I've noticed that when I have free time I tend to procrastinate, I noticed that last year, when I was still working I focused a lot more on school and actually did better in school despite less time studying. Now this could have been due to the fact that it was because it was the beginning of the semester, but it actually went through midterms and a few papers, and I started the year off better than I ended (well in some classes). I did better in my Biology and Physics lass as the year progressed, which was a big surprise. But I noticed that while I worked, I was more set to do things because I knew I wouldn't have time for it later, I managed my time a lot better, and hopefully this helps in University as well.

Now I know some of you may be waiting for me o find a new love interest or decide on which guy I actually like, but to be honest, I don't think I like anyone at the moment, yes I find some people at work good looking and I like being around them, but I don't like them like them... It's hard to explain, but I have a feeling some of you guys know what I'm talking about. And it's kind of annoying how a lot of my friends suddenly say things like "You and H looked like such a cute couple" or "I always though your feelings were reciprocal" or "You guy were like a couple, all you were missing was a kiss" and it's kind of like, I'm trying to get over this kid, and even though you give me positive things about the relationship we could have/kind of did have, it's not helping me get over the fact that he said he didn't like me. But it also helps me in a way (I know, I'm weird) because it makes me feel a little better because now I know he did kind of give signs that other people were able to read and I wasn't just looking into things... so for those friends reading this, I don't know if I hate of don't mind the comments. I also still get a lot of "Maybe you and SB had something going on" and I'm just like argh, why does everyone think that?! There is nothing wrong with SB let me get that clear right away, but it's just that I didn't like him that way. SB is actually a really smart, humble, funny and really cute. Sometimes I ask myself why I didn't like him instead (just like some of you), but hearts are known to be difficult creatures and we often don't have a choice in the matters of the heart.

Anyways, this will be the end of this post, because I have to get going to bed since I have work tomorrow. I hope you guys are okay with me not posting as much as I have been this summer since I have work and school and studying, and I still semi want to have a life. But of course I'll still tell you guys about bigger things that are happening :)

See you guys soon,

Saturday, August 25, 2012

So according to...

So according to some of the people at work I've matured a lot in the past year, and I wanted to know in what way I've become more mature. So I decided to ask this guy, MD. Well not so much ask as say: "So G (the guy who commented on this originally) said 'In the nicest way possible, you've matured a lot over the past year.'" MD responded "to be honest, you have," he went on to say other things along with saying that I've become more confident in myself. He said it's not that I wasn't confident last year, but he said that last year, I gave more of a follower vibe whereas this year I'm a leader. In his words "You've become a boss." He says he doesn't know if it's just because I've changed cause of school, or because of my promotion, but I've really gained a lot of confidence in myself and I look like I know what I'm doing. I'm not longer the "new" person around. And yes, we joked about how a promotion could change a person over night, like "BAM! I got a promotion, I must be more confident!" Work is not all serious around here.

But it's really nice to hear from other people that I've become more confident in myself, cause I'm not able to tell, I mean, I'm with myself all the time, so I'm not able to see the transitions that I go through day to day, and my close friends don't notice either, because they spend a lot of time with me. MD and G can tell because we haven't seen each other in a year, so they can see in a sense, the "old" me and the "new" me. And it's nice to know that these two people whose opinion I trust think that I've become a better version of myself.

Hope I can keep working on my self confidence over the next year :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Mature and Immature at Work

Hey guys!

So this is just going to be a random post where I think some things out. Mostly cause this guy told me today that I'm "matured a lot in a year." He then further explained that it's not like he was saying that I was a super immature brat last year. He says I've mature in a good way. He also says that I seem to be working harder this year, when in reality, I've sorta been slacking off this year. I've been doing less and less, and as the season progressed, I'm getting better at telling other people to do my work. Yes, I'm getting lazy :P

But ya, I don't understand what he means by I've matured, if anything, I would say that I've become less mature. I go around making random noises and act like a five year old half the time, how the hell is that mature? But I guess he means in a way where I'm not as dependent on others when it comes to working, or that I act less childish? Totally impossible though... This is what he said "I mean this in the nicest way possible, you've matured a lot in a year" I know he meant it in a very nice way, but I'm just curious, in what ways have I matured? Tell me if you guy now, cause I seriously don't. All I know is that I've become weirder the past year.

Also, R is back at work!! He's working on Sunday, unfortunately, I won't be seeing him, as he's only back to take my shift. The thing is, my boss reserved a shift just fr me, knowing that I wouldn't be able to work, but hoping that if he asked, I would be able to... But I still couldn't so he found R to replace me :) My boss told me today that he was going to take the then empty shift. Speaking about my boss, I seriously feel like sometimes, he's too chill to be my boss. Today he asked me to take a picture with all the remaining Asians at work so he can post it on our website. We started off the season as 7 Asians, then made out way up to 9, then slowly we have been dropping in numbers, we are now down to about 6 full timers and a few here and theres. He told me to take a picture with the 3 others that were working today and then asked me about the rest of the Asians, that he hired! But I have to admit, one of the highlights of the summer was the amount of Asians we are at work compared to every other year, we even outnumber the Italians we have this year :P

And does it ever happen to you guys that you're sitting all alone and you think of something and it makes you laugh? Well tonight it's happening to me, when we were taking out all Asian picture, my boss wanted us all to be serious faced, so we tried, but we all kept laughing, then we finally all had a serious face and WL started laughing right behind me, and we ll broke into a laugh, but just remembering the way he laughed is making me laugh too. And so does thing thing one of my bosses said which was very mean, but she was talking about one of the new workers (that does not work efficiently) she said, and I heard this second hand, "If you look up the word useless in the dictionary, you would see this kids face smiling up at you." I know it's mean for her to say and for me to laugh at, but I don't know why, but when ever I think about it I just crack up every time.

That's about it for this post, which I now realize is very work orientated on my part...

Until next time,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

She's Back & a Busy Schedule

Hey guys!

So guess what! ST is back, yes you heard me right, she is back, well to be fair I don't remember if I told you guys that she was out of town... I think I did, but I really don't remember. But she is back! And that's all that matters! I missed her so much, I've spent a month not seeing her. When I got her text message, I stood in the freezer at work just to reply to her text. Yes I'm super excited that she is back, and I'm even willing to wake up early to see her tomorrow, and yes, I am aware that for that to happen, I should be in bed by now, but, bad sleeping habits die hard.

And I know I've been posting regularly and now all of a sudden I just stopped posting for a while, but to be honest nothing much is going on in my life at the moment. I'll let you guys in on a secret (if you haven't already figured it out), my life is super boring. Well there you have it, there is my secret.

Basically, I'm getting geared up for orientation wee at school. I have a bunch of events lined up, along with work (luckily LaRonde is closed for the week) so I have a little more time to organize events into. I have events for every day next week, of course not all are linked to school. I have a friend coming form Vancouver to visit, and I have to, absolutely have to see her cause I didn't have time to last year. I have to see ST, I have the organized events with school, I have work (what else is new, although only during the weekend) and I have a BBQ with some of my co-workers. It's a jam packed week and the fact that it's labour day weekend that weekend does not help me one bit. But I'm hoping everything is going to work out, fingers crossed.

And before you ask, or before you think I forgot, I'm going to state now that I'm not going to be going to my FROSH. For those who don't know what FROSH is, it's orientation week sure, but what most people know it as is a week long party where freshmen get to know one another and party and get drunk. I unfortunately will not be attending because a) it's $135 (yes, I'm cheap), b) LABOUR DAY weekend = work (I know what you're thinking, but let me tell you now, my boss isn't that old and he isn't stupid either, he knows about FROSH) c) I'm not into alcohol and partying d) one of the days is at LaRonde and frankly, anytime I'm there even for fun, it feels like work. So you can say I'll regret not going all you want, but I don't think I will.

Until next time! I simply need sleep, I need a decent face to see ST tomorrow morning, and I need a pretty face for the birthday party I'm going to tomorrow as well. Wish me luck on my tight schedule next week. Boy problems will be on another post because I am simply too tired for my own good.


p.s. Tell me if you guys went/ are going to your FROSH.

Monday, August 13, 2012

NYC Trip

Hey guys!

So I just got back from my NYC trip. It was a fun 3 days, but boy, did that break my wallet... We spent 3 days in NYC, and now the spending limit is $800 as opposed to $400, and boy I am glad that limit went up! I spent almost $600 the last 3 days.

So let me tell you guys how the 3 days went.

Day 1:
Basically slept for an hour, since many of you know, I went to the MSO concert. Got up at 3:30AM to get ready to leave for the trip (thank God packing was done ahead). Got to the bus at 5AM, and spent 12 (yes 12!) hours on the bus, because we spent over 2 hours at the boarder and got into NYC right at rush hour... It took us an hour to get through the Lincoln Tunnel -.- Not the best way to spend a day after an hour of sleep. When we got into town, we just had enough time to go to the M&M World and Hershey's Times Square before we had to head to our hotel.

Day 2:
Spent 13 hours in New York City just walking around and of course shopping :) (I'll list my haul after i tell you guys what we did during the trip) We started off on Wall and Broadway, and walked all the way to Union Square. Now on a map it looks super far, but the walk really isn't that bad, according to Google Maps, we can walk the distance is about 45 minutes, But we took about 6 hours, why? Because we were busy shopping around. The walk is a 2.3 mi (3.7 km). We stopped my a lot of stores on the way and not to mention we had to wait for stores to open.

We went to this amazing bookstore called Strand on Broadway and 12th street. OMG this place was huge, with books going almost to the ceiling, I could honestly live there. The books they sell are used, new or rare books, and the prices there as just amazing.

When we got to Union Square we had lunch (well snack/lunch) at SeoulFood, an Korean/Mexican food truck. It was delicious, I thought it would be weird, SB once recommended it to me and I told him it sounded weird, but it was amazing, it may sound weird, but these people know what they're doing. For $10 it was totally worth it and really filling.

After eating, we decided to take our chances with the New York Subway, that was fun cause we got on the wrong tracks, then ended up having to ask a local, their Subways are quite different form the Montreal ones, they are a little less of a smooth ride, they skip stops, and a million subways pass on the same track, how are tourists supposed to find their way around?! We got off at 34th to go check out the Macy's then from there on, it was just taking our time walking to Times Square. We ended up at the back door to the Theater where they were producing the Broadway show Marry Poppins and got to see the actress in full costume since she stepped out for 2 seconds before going back into the theater after seeing us!

Day 3:
Went to Woodburry Premium Outlets and shopped like a mad person. Went to just about 6 stores and I honestly have to say, I have no idea how money flies to fast... We got back into town in about 7 hours, which was such a relief after the 12 hours it took us to get there!

Now for a list of everything I bought on the trip:
  • Hershey's Chocolate World chocolate pack (4 different flavored bars)
  • M&M keychain
  • M&Ms from the Wall on the M&M store
  • Nail Polish (Essie, O.P.I., Prevail)
  • Lip Gloss (Wet n' Wild) although I really want a Clinique one, but the Sephora we went to ran out
  • 2 dresses from H&M
  • Kate Spade earrings (little gold bow shaped ones)
  • 5 books from Strand
  • A travel mug for loose tea leaves (I've been looking for this for a few months now)
  • 2 pairs of Converse (one for me, one for my brother)
  • 2 pairs of running shoes from Adidas (one for me, one for my other brother)
  • 2 pairs of Adidas flip flops (one for me, one for my mom)
  • A pair of Levis jeans
  • A Nemo head Cushion for the bus ride home
  • A Perry the Platypus t-shirt
  • A Mickey & Minnie Hoddie
  • A bottle of Lovestuck by Vera Wang
All this plus, W and AB's birthday presents! I still spent a lot of money though, there goes my next paycheck... All in all, it was an amazing trip and I would do it again, although this time, I would get all the heavy stuff later in the day instead of bringing everything around and not feeling out arms later in the day.

Until next time, cause I am in serious need for some sleep :P


Friday, August 10, 2012


Hey guys!

So for those of you who live in Montreal, you know hat the MSO is, or should. if you don't it's the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. Some other cities around Canada (that I know of) also have local orchestra.

The MSO had a free concert with conductor Kent Nagano at the Olympic Stadium on the 9th, so technically last night. I went because I've always wanted to go to one of their concerts but wasn't sure if I was into classical music and wasn't going to pay 50$ for something I might end up hating it. So this was a perfect chance to go see them perform, and boy did I love them, they were supposed to play 3 pieces:1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky, Respighi’s Pines of Rome, along with a piece with Japanese Drums (taiko). We were thousands of people, packed outdoors in the rain listening to this concert, and I know it's no Rock or R&B concert with a million screaming people, but I'm glad this was my first concert. It was a beautiful experience, in my opinion, probably better than a million screaming sweaty bodies stuck together. Although I could have gone without the rain.

They started off by playing the Tchaikovsky piece (which included some pyrotechnics, which was really unexpected), then they played the piece with the taiko with Japanese master Eitetsu Hayashi. That piece was my favorite because I felt like it was very moving, the drums made it very interesting, and the strings from the orchestra made it more alive in a sense. Eitetsu Hayashi ended up playing an encore piece, a solo piece without the orchestra. After that, they played the Respighi piece, this piece has some special guest, including a nine year old violinist and the military orchestra who played wind instruments. After this piece, the orchestra played an encore piece. I don't know what the last one was called though. So we were promised 3 pieces, but got 5! What a treat that was for my MSO and first concert.

I'm definitely willing to pay for my next MSO concert, especially if it's indoors and I can sit  :P

So that's all I have to tonight, my next post will be after my New York trip, so hopefully I have soemthing to talk about when I get back :)


Monday, August 6, 2012

Longer Summer & Trying to Forget

Hey guys!

So summer is coming to an end, I counted the days in my last post, but if you are counting down for me (cause I'm not :P) Add one more day to that countdown, because I don't have school on the Provincial election day! The first day of school has been moved back. Aside from that exciting news, I finished book 14, working on 15, although I've taken a few days break from books (I have no idea why). But I'm getting through my list :)

I've also been trying to let people go lately, like old friends that make me upset when I think about them. I mean we always think about people that used to be in our lives, but it doesn't always hurt to think about them. I need to get to that point with some people. I've gotten there with BF, but it's harder with other people, not don't get me wrong, I have other people in that category too, but the one person I have to stop thinking about and allowing to ruin my day is H. I keep telling myself and you guys sometimes, that I'm over him, but the thing is I'm not. And the other night when I was talking to O I was sure that there was no way I was over H. Now I know sometimes I make it sound like we dates, but we never did, we were just two super close friends. But talking to O kind of brought back all the things I was trying to ignore, whether on purpose or not, I've been trying to tell myself that I never liked him, that it was just a brotherly love of some sort, but the thing is, it wasn't I liked him. And the thing that makes it worse is that I liked him like I liked U, it's hard to explain, other than that U was the first guy I ever liked, and like people say, your first love is the deepest. But I still can't think of H without it making me feel like shit. I stopped carrying the presents he gave me around, which I thought would help, but instead I find myself unconsciously looking for them during the day. It's just hard, and the thing is I thought the summer would help me get over it, and that maybe I'll find someone to like at work... but the thing is... I can't get over him. He's been to present in my life for the past year and too involved in my life. And everyone knows that we were super close and that we always talked, so they keep asking how he is... and that really doesn't help. It's to the point where I don't know if I can't wait to see him at school or I never ever wanna see him again. And it doesn't help that he's MIA all summer either. It makes me feel like he just doesn't care enough to see how I (or anyone else for that matter) is doing.

Plus it's not like there aren't nay guys that peek my interest, you guys know that for a fact, I've already talked about L and F and T (who is no longer around). There's another kinda cute guy at work, but I don't like him, he's nice an all, but not a person I would have a crush on. Then there is one other guy that I haven't talked about yet, I'll call him WL, he's really nice, and we always tease each other at work, and he always tries to one up me or make me pissed (in a good way). Like if I want him to kill a spider, he would purposely try to let it live to annoy me. He's also always smiling around me (he's kinda shy, which is kinda cute), and he would always argue with me about things until I lose the argument. And every time I beat him he would bring up how he wins more often. He's a really nice guy, and smart (from what I know anyways). So why can't I be into him (a little more than I am) instead of thinking about H all the time? My life would be so much easier!

And one last note I hate people who cannot stop bragging about their accomplishments, I have a coworker who started going out with the guy I liked last year, and she won't stop bringing it up! She's always like "Remember when you liked him", "You think he's cute don't you?", or she would be telling other workers "Ohh, did you know she liked him last year?". It's like OMG get over it, I no longer have a crush on your boyfriend! It's not that big of an accomplishment, especially since we never actually fought over the guy, if you want to make others not like me, just tell them I'm a bitch -.-

Anyways, enough venting for one night. Until next time, remember to smile at yourself in the mirror!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Reading List Progress

Hey guys!

So as many of you know, I'm trying to get through a summer reading list. I gave you guys the list a little while ago in an other post (x). I decided to let you guys know what I've read so far and what I have left to read. Now not all the books on the list are mind blowing book that you have to read, cause I have to admit, a lot of them are stupid little teenage girl books.

I'm going to divide the list into Read, Currently Reading and Not Read. The books aren't in a particular order, just listing them off as I remember them.

  1. Looking for Alaska by John Green
  2. Game of Thrones  by George R.R. Martin
  3. Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson
  4. Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James
  5. Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James
  6. Fifty Shades of Freed by E.L. James
  7. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin*
  8. Prom and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg
  9. Micro by Micheal Crichton
  10. Paper Towns by John Green
  11. Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan*
  12. An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
  13. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld*
Currently Reading:
  1.  The Stefan Diaries: Asylum by L.J. Smith, Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
  2. Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
 Not Read:
  1. Num8ers by Rachel Ward
  2. Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink
  3. The Vampire Diaries: Hunters: Moonsong by L.J. Smith
  4. The Stefan Diaries: The Completed by L.J. Smith, Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
  5. Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
  6. Need by Carrie Jones
  7. Captive by Carrie Jones
  8. In the Club by Antonio Pagliarulo
  9. Switch by Carol Snow
  10. Divergent Series by Veronica Roth
  11. Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
  12. Specials by Scott Westerfeld
  13. Extras  by Scott Westerfeld
*The books I recommend 
Unfortunately, I know I won't be able to the end of my little list by the end of this summer. so it may have to wait until Christmas break because I don't like to read during the school year as it creates a huge distraction for me. Hopefully I'll get through maybe 5 more books before school starts which is in 32 days! Can you believer it? 32 more days of summer left! I feel like summer has just started and now it's over... Where has all the time gone? (The days may change depending on where you are and what school your going to)

Enjoy what's left of your summer!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Clarification and a Game

Hey guys,

So I know some of you guys are going "J is boy crazed, I mean look at L, F & T" But honestly, I'm not that boy crazed. So let me get the story straight with all of the guys.

L: Is not some guy that I would like, I said I had a dream about him and yes, I said I might be interested, but trust me he is not the type of guy that I would be interested in or even consider dating. He's in a way irresponsible, but then he surprises you on many levels too. He's into things that you would never expect, and it surprises me in a good way and I think that's what has me attracted to him. So yes, my admiration for him is not so much love, but more like knowing what he'll surprise me with next. Plus having him around keeps me witty because I always have to talk back to him. Plus he claimed I was his at the beginning of the year to one of the girls at work, so umm... I don't now possessive much?

F: Good looking, not cocky, although he's good looking and has every reason to be a douche, he isn't. He's very sweet and easy to get along with. He's more like a good friend, although he does have the sickest eyes I've ever seen. He's sweet,  but once again it's not like I like him, like him. But I if something were to happen between us I would not be against it cause a) he's cute b) he's sweet and c) we g to the same school which means we can see each other more often.

T: He's an old crush of mine, and it was great t be able to see him again, and be able to joke around with him, but seeing him leave kinda makes me think to how I don't think he was interested in me and how he's a distant when we aren't at work, although to be fair I never texted him either. So maybe that's a fault on both our part? But I don't know, although people at work seem to like the idea of the two of us going out, I don't think it'll happen...

Now enough about boys, because, sadly I am still single and it get's depressing thinking about boys all day...

Let me let you guys get to know me a little better, we'll play 2 lies and a truth, so here goes
-I've never gotten any final mark under a 70
-I've never shoplifted
-I've never yelled at my brother in public
Tell me which on you guys think is the lie, I'm kind of curious to see what you guys think.

Well until next time, remember that laughter is the best medicine!

Friday, July 27, 2012

And It's a Go!

Okay, so remember when I told you guys I had a dream about me and L? And we were dating, and dancing or what not, and I said it was totally bonkers? Well, I'm starting to think maybe not...

So I've recently realized that I might not like him like him, but I definitely have some attraction towards him. It's not so much that I want to date him, but I don't know, just be around him? I know what some of you are thinking, but he is not a guy I would date. I just know he's not, it's a gut feeling. But I do feel something, which is strange...

On the other hand T just had his official last day, so that means no more T, I'm never going to see him again, because of the fact that we both go to different schools... Ohh life. I'll miss his little cluelessness and his laugh, such an adorable laugh.

Other than that, my NYC trip is going to happen! So excited! Can't wait to be off before Uni starts! It's going to be a 3 day trip with 2 of my friends, yes a bunch couldn't come cause of personal reasons, but I'm not going to let that be a bummer. I shall enjoy this trip no matter what! And of course shop! Sigh, there goes all the money I made this summer :P But hopefully it'll be worth it and hopefully I might have something to talk about when I get back! Can't wait to get some major shopping done and just get time away from work and just enjoy a few days on my own. Plus the night before I leave, there is a free, yes FREE, MSO concert at the Olympic stadium. I've always wanted to go see one of their shows and I'm not willing to pay 50$ for a concert that I might not end up liking, so this is going to be a test run to see if I'll like it or not. I feel like a free concert for something I've wanted to see for a good 4 years now is a good way to start off my mini vacation before school starts and reality sets in.

And I'm on my 13th book for the summer! Yes, 13! I'm a nerd, that I shall admit. But I am very proud of myself, although the books aren't super hard to read English classics, I'm still doing very well, maybe on the last post of the summer I'll add up all the pages I have read and impress you guys :P Probably won't do that great of a job, but meh, a girl can try.

I'm also trying to squeeze as many activities in for the rest of the summer as possible, so I'm making plans to meet up for lunch or supper or ways to spend the day, cause to be honest, I might not be friends with some of the friends i have right now for longer, with us going to different Universities in different programs and for some, even in different provinces... It may be time to say bye to some friends, so I will cherish what ever time we have left together.

Well, feel free to tell me what you think of my summer plans, my bookwormness or just say hi :)


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wake Up Call and Day Dreams

OMG! I have finally heard from ST it's been forever since I've spoken to her, mostly cause she is not in the country at the moment, which country you ask? Well let me just say a country with a big time difference from here in Montreal. It was super great hearing from her and super great having an hour long chat after waking up from a tiring day at work. It was a great wake up call! So ST if you are by chance reading this, I can't wait till you get back :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Strange Dreams

So, you know how dreams are always weird, you never know how they start and you always forget them as soon as you wake up? Well most of them anyways. And people always say that the dreams you have are all about things that you have "unresolved" during the day or are stressing out about. Also, the people and places you see in dreams are all people you've seen and places are all of places that you've been. But I don't necessarily believe that, some of it does make sense, like how could you be somewhere if you don't know what it looks like, or how could you be "talking" to someone if you didn't know how they spoke?

But I have a few arguments to make for some of these facts.

  1. I've had a deja vu moment from a dream about being a drink from this exact guy that I didn't know and he said something to be after he gave me my drink in my dream and last year, that exact sense took place, with the store looking the same, same uniforms, same guy, same drink, but I had that dream before ever seeing the store in my life.
  2. Another time was when, well I cant recall the dream very well, but in the dream, I remember meeting a guy with shoulder length silver hair with blue/violet eyes. And he looked like no one I have ever crossed paths with in my life.
Anyways, this post was not meant to question the concept of dreams, it was to talk about a dream I had a few days ago that I just can't seem to forget, and that was also very weird for me.

The dream was of me and a guy, L, at a party,and he was my date. And the thing is I don't like L so why would he be my date anyways? But he was my date and we danced, and laughed and I was having a great time. Then we sat down, I think we were at a wedding or something, all I remember is that we were very dressed up and I was sitting on his lap, which was wrinkling my dress, so I decided to sit on a chair and he put his hand on my knee. And I liked the feeling...which is weird cause I don't think I would feel comfortable with him touching me like that in real life. and I don't like him like him, I mean we've known each other for a while now, and he's always making fun of me and play fighting with me, but we are for sure not interested in one another. He's into stereotypical tall and pretty girls and I'm into smart, sensitive guys. But somehow this dream is bugging me, a lot more than it should...


Friday, July 6, 2012

Visit from the Green Eyed Monster?

So as you guys know, I've been talking to H again. He's gone on a camping trip this weekend though, so no H for a little while. But that is not what I want to talk to you guys in this post.

I was telling H how I always get hurt at work, the exact same way, by scratching myself on a loose metal piece in one of our stores, this time it left a 3 inch long mark on my leg -.- I was telling him how every time I got hurt this way, F was always in the store. So I've pointed out that F is a cutie already. But H asked and I quote "Have a crush on him ;)?" and I answered I'm not sure, but that's he's cute nice and has really nice eyes. After my last comment, he stopped texting me, now it can be that he left for his trip or that he went to bed, but H never ever leaves me hanging, there is always a goodnight or a ttyl from him. So this might be me looking into things, but could it be that he got a visit from the green eyed monster called jealousy? Once again, I can't be certain, but if it is, is it really to be unexpected for me to like someone else when he rejected me and then goes awol for a month after school ends?

But no matter what I'm glad that H and I are talking again :) He's still concerned about my health and over all well being, he'll never change :)


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Diva and an Old Friend

Hey guys!

So my little cousin is in town. Okay maybe not so little, more like fifteen and acting like a diva cousin. We went out for supper today and she was, okay I have to admit she's super pretty. She's like one of the typical popular girls you see in school, skinny, long flowing hair, tanned and looks good in anything. And she's only fifteen :( Ohh why is the gene pool so unfair to some of us? But she's not the person I want to spend a lot of time with, maybe cause of my insecurities about myself or maybe cause I just don't like her attitude, but I would rather spend some extra time at work :P I am a mean mean cousin. But being around her makes me feel like i don't belong, i mean, not only is she pretty, but she's smart too. I guess in a way she just scares me because she's so seemingly perfect.

Aside from the visit from my cousin, I have the usual things going on: work, reading, trying to work out but failing at it cause I'm so tired from work, trying to plan my NYC trip, trying to make plans with friends, trying to find someone to get my mind off H, because yes I'm that lame and I still miss him...

Speaking of H, I'm finally talking to him again :) we are talking as I'm writing this post. He's still being his usual caring self, worrying about my health and such. I must say, I've missed talking to him :) He's like an older brother I never had, in a way, although he is younger than I am :P I shall tell you guys how it goes another day, until them, I must bid you farewell as I am getting tired and I have to go to work tomorrow.


Friday, June 29, 2012

In Need of R&R

So tired... I've been working the past few days and I am tired from that, well more like my feet are soar, but then today I decide to spend the whole day in wedges. Smart choice? Not so  much, cause now my feet really really hurt me :( But as I type, and you perhaps read, I am preparing a tub of water to soak my feet in. Hopefully they come out feeling amazing.

Aside from that, I haven't been up to much, granted it hasn't been that long since I last updated. Just worked and had a lunch date with my friends today. So that was fun. Also cause it's one of the only times I get to go out with my friends.

I have finished most of my half finished books, so I've finished Micro and Fifty Shades Darker in just have to finish Game of Thrones and I should be able to move ahead with my reading list, next I'll be tackling the John Green books. and I've started the last Fifty Shades book, what is it about this series that makes me want to keep reading it?

I still haven't talked to H, and even though I miss him sometimes, I don't text him, and it's weird, but it feels good to get some distance from him and it even feels comfortable to a certain extent. I know that it might not make sense, but I'm not that bugged by the fact that we haven't talked for such a long time, well okay, the fact that I'm writing this here means I do care, but I don't know, I don't want to text him cause he may not want to talk to me, and if he wanted to talk to me, he would text me no? But W and BB are saying that maybe he's thinking the same thing on his end, maybe he's waiting for me to text. But like the lambda test I was doing a while ago, I guess I'll just have to wait and see if he comes around. Sigh... why do boys have to be so complicated?

Stay cool and enjoy your summer!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Update

Hey guys!

I know, I know, it's been a while, but I've been at work, or catching up to my lack of sleep. But the summer is going by pretty well. I've been working about 4 days a week, hoping to bump that up to 5-6 days actually, and I went to the beach the other day and got sunburned :( Currently healing, ever so slowly and it also left a weird tan on my back because part of my back is tan, and part of it isn't. And no, I'm not stupid enough to cover half my back while tanning, I guess tanning is just not for me.

I've also been able to catch up on some reading, I've finished reading Pride & Prejudice (yes, i read it on my own free will). I've also finished Prom & Prejudice (a short of modern day version where marriage is prom). I started reading the Fifty Shades Trilogy (sorry ST, I just had to see what the hype was about), and I must say, the novel, being based on Twilight fan fiction is pretty good, even with all the BDSM present. It also runs parallel with Twilight, quite a bit. Okay maybe I'm looking to into the similarities, but they do have similar story lines to an extent. I'm currently reading Fifty Shades Darker, about half way through that, and I'm also about half way through a book called Micro by Michael Crichton. Micro is about 7 grad students who go to Hawaii to visit a new research facility and find themselves thrown into the rain forest having nothing to survive with but their knowledge nature. It's a pretty good book and so far, proving to be interesting, from my scientific point of view and my adventure reading point of view. It's a pretty good read and don't let the science intimidate you. I'm also half way through Game of Thrones (also a TV show). I know, I know "J, why can't you read one damned book at a time?" I just read a book, then get tempted by another book and start reading and then try to balance out my reading times for each book. Game of Thrones, although interesting, with it's plot twist and turns is taking a long time for me to read. I've had the book for a good 4 months now and I'm only half way through and I usually love reading Fantasy books, or maybe I lost my interest in them :P But yup, these are the books I'm reading at the moment. and I'm sorry for boring the crap out of you.

But let me get to something a little more interesting, I haven't been talking to H, but I have been texting with a guy, let me call him K a lot recently. I don't like him like him, but it's nice to talk to a guy once in a while :P We text till late in the night and he would text me while I'm at work as well. And I've been working with a cute guy, whom I will call, F. He's cute and super sweet and he's one of the guys at work that don't bully me :P Fingers crossed he's single, maybe? Still not sure if I'm into him or not.

And finally, because O asked for it, I miss you!! :P

Enjoy your summer!