Sunday, October 14, 2012

Out of the Funk... ish

Hey guys!

So I've been having a pretty up and down week, well if you guys read my blog regularly you know why. But it's been getting a lot better and I think it's officially over. I am passed my funk, well for everything but midterms :P But yes, I am out of my funk! Just an FYI, I go through mini depression moment a few times a yer, generally when I'm over stressed. So o worries :D

Okay, so after last weekend, I thought my boss would be pissed at me for yelling at him, but he wasn't! So let me start from the beginning. So after last weekends crazy day, I found out that my boss messed up my paycheck, and I sent him a not so nice text saying that he messed it up. And I had a feeling he was really pissed off at me. He was supposed to work with me tonight (last night), so I was thinking of ways I could kind of make up for it, without apologizing, cause I found that I had no reason to. But he calls me and tells me hat he won't be working with me and that he was going to send his brother i law to come work with me. After that call I though he was super pissed at me and just "I don't want to deal with her." But it turns out that I was wrong (or I think). He came in and said hi to us (cause he had to drop off some things we needed for the catering) and when I said hi, he looked at me with this (I have no other way of saying it), guilty face, like a little kid when he knows he did something wrong face. But for all I know it could have been his "I hate you face." But we talked for like 2 seconds and he had to leave for another party. So I think things are going well between us.

And of course, midterms are coming up! And I am stressing, because my first one is Monday and I haven't done anything for it yet... well I have but not enough, I haven't even gone through all the notes yet and I still have to do the practice problems... I am stressing I basically have one ore day to do it all... and my assignment. I hate being a student -.-


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