Sunday, October 28, 2012

Last Shift... Ever?

So yesterday was my last shift! I am so excited because this means that I can finally have time to myself, like time to read and sleep! I miss sleep pretty badly :P So yup. I am free and after tomorrow night, I will be free for about a month before I have to worry about finals. I have a feeling I'll just slack off like crazy now that I don't have work. But I guess we'll just have to see. But I am glad that 3 hours of my days won't be spent getting to and from work. It was tiring and it took me two hours to get to work yesterday TWO! My brother left before I did like an hour later and got in before I did (for those of you wondering, it's because he took a different route from what we usually take and there was no traffic his way).

Yesterday at work, I got pretty annoyed at a co-worker. I'll call get BD, she started arguing with my brother and I didn't speak out because she was arguing with my brother, but what happened was that she was arguing with him in front of customers when we were rushing. I found it unprofessional so I told them to stop arguing cause we had customers. So of course she gets pissed at me. I guess for telling her what to do, or maybe for protecting my brother, although I would have said it if she was arguing with anyone else. But ya, then she just leaves the store for an hour when we were mid rush and doesn't send anyone over. And then she shows up an hour and a half later an just gives me attitude. People sometimes... Well at least I probably won't ever work with her ever again... Hopefully.

But aside from problems with BD I had a pretty good shift, I was working with people liked in my store, yes that includes my brother :P We were mostly all dressed up, so we were a team of two normal looking employees, a scientist, an Asian mobster/PSY and a convict. I was the convict, dressed in a orange jumpsuit, with my arms chained and Prisoner #255 on the back of my jumpsuit (for those of you who work with me or know what 255 at work is, it is my sense retarded sense of humor at work). A little kid actually asked it I was a real prisoner :P. It was fun but the suit got annoying after a while. My boss kept telling me he found the outfit funny, he also chained me to the sink... He was dragging me around the store and was like "We have to chain you to something!"

I'm kind of sad that the season is over, but I'm happy too. I'm going to miss my co-workers... a lot more than I would like to admit. and my boss, and even working... but I need the sleep and the extra time to study. I don't know if I will be back next year... I probably will but not full time, just for special occasions. I just posted that last night was my last shift and someone was like "Last shift of the season right? RIGHT??" and to be honest I'm just not sure, I know she wants me to go back and be her manager and I am flattered at she would want to work under me (well she already does) but it's nice to know that she would like me as her manager. One of my current managers also told me that I would make a good manager and that means a lot to be because I respect her a lot.

And this is a side note and has nothing to do with my last shift, but I figure it's somewhat work related, but G and L from work know I have a blog, I forgot how the conversation cam up. But L keeps asking me if I talk about him on my blog and what I call him on it... is that kind of weird?

Tell me what you guys I should do for next year and if the whole L thing is weird...


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