Saturday, November 24, 2012

Update 2.0

Hey guys!

So multiple things I want to talk about today. Most of which are unrelated... I think. Well I kind of hope they all fit into one another so it would be easier to understand.

So first on the menu, Finals are coming up. I am scared crazy right now because I'm behind in almost ever single class and I feel like even though I'm up to date... I don't know anything. I'm scared because although most of my midterms went okay (there was room for improvement) I didn't do so well in a few classes. And I'm afraid that I'll mess us in the finals too. I have five courses six finals. YES SIX -.- I am stressing out and the first two are back to back, then three days later I have two on the same day, then two days later I have another final, and finally five days before the last one. and I am upset because the last one is the one that I believe I need the least time studying for... School how I hate you... But I'm hoping I do well this semester because it would really help to kick off my Uni life with a pretty good GPA.

Secondly, I just got the 5th Generation iPod touch, and I am loving it! I got it in blue and it is such a pretty shade of blue. I had the old 3rd gen one and not having a camera on it was killing me (along with the fact that half my apps no longer worked). I got it about a week ago and I honestly love it. Y likes to iMessage so it comes in handy with her. I also love that it's easier for me to use Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. Consequently, it also makes for a good distraction in class when I'm bored. That's it for shinny new toys.

Next on the list is Black Friday. So you guys (most of you guys) know I live in Canada, so we don't have the crazy super sales or anything. But we do have a few decent ones. I'm not one of the people who go for high end stuff. More casual places like American Eagle and Garage and stuff. And I picked up a few things. I feel like a lot of the stores had a lot of hype around their sales, but there really wasn't anythings special about them. A few places had 40% off everything, which I thought was a good deal, but most places just had sales on their sale items. I ended up spending over 150 today though, although about half of that was on books. Because yes... I am a bookworm :P

Lastly, I would like to address a situation that ST probably wants to read about... L. So ST and Y have met L and at a point they both wanted me to either become better friends with him or a little more than that. But I'm having issues ever since they mentioned this, cause last year I kind of did have a crush on him. and I put that aside. But I always felt like we had pretty good chemistry, like we play fight and we make fun of one another all the time (well him more than me). But he's kind of like that with everyone I guess, well a little (I know he's like to all the pretty girls at work. And before ST jumps to conclusions: I am not one of the pretty ones). So ya, but there are so many negative aspects, like he parties all the time, he drinks a lot. He smokes pot often. and I find smoking is a huge turn off. But he's also nice to me, in his weird way and he's smart too, he dropped out of school but he is still very knowledgeable. That's another thing! He dropped out of school! He's planning to go back... but I don't know. Maybe ST is right and I just don't want it to go any further than this, maybe cause I'm scared... I don't know. But ti's so annoying cause we were shopping today and every time I saw a nice men's sweater, I though "Hey that would look good on L" and it annoys me... and I don't know why. cause I don't like him!

Anyways it is 1:15 and I have to get some Biology done... yay -.- Wish me luck!


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