Friday, September 21, 2012

One Woman Left Behind

Have you guys ever worried, that one day someone you really care about is just going to get up and leave you?

Well I think that more often than I would like to admit. I mean I know my friends are not literally going to just walk away from me. But what I mean is, sometimes don't you wonder why certain people are friends with you, or how these people can stand being around you all the time? I'm not saying that I'm a horrible friend (well at least I hope I'm not a horrible friend).

So I'm super happy that all my friends get along so well, it makes it a lot less awkward when you want to do group activities or just hanging out around campus. But sometimes I think what if they get along better than I do with either one of them, and they find each other more interesting than they find me. What if their friendship just buds of on it's own and mine is left alone. I'm not too concerned that that will happen this year, but what about in a few years from now (granted I still have the same close circle of friends). But I sometimes do wonder if some of my friends will just kind of grow out of our friendship and just leave me behind for another one of my friends or with someone completely different. I know this is a normal process in life, where you lose some people in your life and gain other friends in the process, but the group of friends I have right now (W,ST,H,AK,BB and Y) are amazing. They are like a supportive net for any problems that come my way. I know I would do anything for them and they would do the same for me. And I love that about them. They are honestly some of the closest friends I've ever had. Now I'll admit, some of them know me better than others, and I know some of them better than others, but I love them all.

I've lost friends before, so it's not like if I were to lose one of them I would stop functioning, but thinking about losing them makes me sad... I just hope we remain good friends throughout the rest of our university life, and hopefully for the rest of our lives :)


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