Monday, May 28, 2012

Books & a Little More

So as I mentioned in my last post, I'm a bookworm, I love reading and boy do I miss reading. School killed my reading time because a) I didn't really have time to read and b) I was afraid to start reading a really good book and then not being able to put it down. So boy am I glad that school is over, and this summer is longer little longer than my previous summers because of when I would be starting school later than usually because Universities start after Labour day. I already had about 20 books on my reading list and in the course of two days it has increased to 26 books, this list s growing fast, and at this rate I'll be reading about 2 books a week since I only have 15 weeks of summer... But this list of getting interesting, I have my usual vampire books, plus a few teen fiction books (more than a few actually), and a few more challenging books that I can't wait to take a crack at.

Other than that, I have once again renewed my interest in learning to play the guitar, I was going to learn a while back, but things didn't work out so well. Then yesterday H brought me to a music/instrument store on St. Antoine (Steves, maybe you've heard of it) near china town and I was looking at all the guitars and listening o him play, and it really made me want to learn how. He made it seem to easy, but at the same time challenging, it's hard to explain, but I am once again determined to learn how to play. Now I'm just looking around for a guitar :)


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer is Here!

Hey guys!

Classes are over, the sun is shining, the temperature is burning up, not to mention that finals are over and I am FREE! Well, from CEGEP at least. The temperature is beautiful in MTL all week, and summer feels like it's already here. The sun is shinning, the temperature is at least a balmy 25-ish (I won't lie), what else can a girl ask for? Ohh ya! Plans with her friends for the whole summer!

So, I'm currently working, but I'm going to make sure I still see my friends as much as possible. Especially because some of them are traveling this summer, to cool places in other continents and I am stuck here, in MTL, not that there's anything  wrong with that, but you have to admit, it's not that cool to stay in town. But I may go to NYC at the end of the summer, fingers crossed that'll happen :)

The summer is starting off pretty well, I'm working a little and so far, made quite a few plans, I have museum day. For those of you in the MTL area, you should check it out, it's on the 27th (tomorrow) and it's free access to 29 of the museums in town (x). And then I have a Laronde day planed out with my friends, so AB, W, ST, SB, AK, H and of course myself. It's going to be a fun time, so hopefully no rain! Then I'm going to be checking out the Star Wars Identity exhibit at the science center (I know what id it with me and museums). I also have a few days I'm planning to go shopping with a few friends, once again NYC at the end of summer, and a trip to the beach :) Hopefully most of this will happen and more :) I also have to make plans with AA, because we've always bailed on our plans in the past.

Also not to mention the 20 books I have on my ever growing reading list! Yes, I am a big reader, I enjoy reading a lot. so now you guys know I am a bookworm :)

So let me tell you guys how I kicked off finishing school, after my  last final, I volunteered for the Montreal Children's Radiothon (I know, lame! who does volunteering right after an exam?), then went out to a pub with friends and had a few drinks, and watching drunk guys yell and dance, now that was funny. But the highlight of the night was when the guy at the table next to us bought our whole table a round of tequila shots! It was super nice of him. and I also went to watch the Avengers yesterday. So that is how I kicked of my summer and a few of my plans. How have your summers started and what do you have planned?

Enjoy the sunshine :)

Friday, May 11, 2012


Hey Guys,

So my official last day of CEGEP was yesterday. For those of you who live in Quebec, you know what CEGEP is. For those who don't, CEGEP is something like College, in a way, it's not like College in a way that it means you choose that over University, but it's a transition between High School and University. Yesterday was my last day of classes. And all there is left is 3 exams, and I will hopefully graduate!

As exciting as graduation may seem, I'm also sad about it. Yes, I'm going to go all mushy on you guys. I'm going to say it, I'll miss all my friends. This is, in a sense, where we will truly part ways... I've stayed close to a few of my High School friends after starting CEGEP. During High School we said we would miss each other,but we ended up staying pretty close anyways, these High School friends are BB, O, and W. We always hung out once in a while and talked on the phone or on Skype. But it helped that we were all in the same program, we would have the same classes, or we would study together for others, but now we are all going into different programs, at different schools too. I know that no matter how much we're going to stay in touch, we might not...

Then there are the equally awesome friends I made in CEGEP. First off there is Y which I never introduced till now. So welcome Y!! I met her a little over a year ago now, she's amazing :) I love spending time with her, and she is nicknamed to be my twin by H (whoa, he hasn't been in a post for a while :P). But she's there when I need someone to talk to, and she is great company because she's always making me laugh :P

Then there is of course, my love (don't take this seriously, it is an inside joke... or is it :P) ST, because she is so wonderfully awesomely awesome and has been there for me all semester, and we only became friends this semester. She is a wonderful person to be with, she never judges me, even in my weirdest most randomness moments, she doesn't judge me! Now that is a true friend :) She is also super supportive and just a super duper sweet person all around. I will still see her, maybe sometimes against my will. But I'll miss seeing her EVERY SINGLE DAY. But I can tell you that there is no way I'm letting go just yet.

Then there is of course H, who is actually going into the same program I am, but I'll still miss seeing him so often around school. and perhaps even our Skype convos. Hopefully, we'll stay friends throughout uni.

And also AK, who is stuck to me like glue :) I'll miss her so much! She just like ST and I have become very close in the last semester and I'll miss seeing her so very often, and I'll even miss the 8AM FRT shifts I had with her, which she was always late to. :P

And silly SB, who kept me entertained every time I talked to him or saw him. I will however now miss getting purell to the face :P 

But seriously, I'm going to miss everyone. I've made such amazing new friends in the past 2 years (the friends mentioned above and not the only friends I've made, but they are the close ones I've made) it's just amazing how 2 years can fly by so quickly, without feeling like it's been 2 whole years of suffering and new experiences from school. The next thing I know, I'll be (hopefully) graduating from uni and then off to do my graduate studies...

Life is coming at us quickly, and sometimes like W says, we just need a pause button and relax, and still feel like a kid. Which by the way is something that we should all do, because there is nothing EVER wrong with feeling like a kid. In fact it's healthier to be young on the inside :)

So until next time (after exams), don't forget to smile at yourself, let the kid inside you out once in a while and most of all laugh whenever you get the chance.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Manners Matter

Do you know someone who doesn't have any manners at all? Or someone who does something rude all the time that has become your pet peeve? Like always interrupting when you talk, always texting during your conversations or just plain out rude because they don't censor what they say before it comes out of their mouth? Well to those people, manners matter! We may be living in the 21st century, but respect is still a huge people pleaser so learn some. I mean, I understand that sometimes we can't help it cause we're in a bad mood, but come on. And I can't say I'm perfect and always respectful. i actually text during conversations with people sometimes, and I know it's rude, but I apologize for doing it, I don't just keep texting and ignore the person I'm with.

Also, hitting people before you say something to them? Stop that, I know you're trying o get someones attention, but to hit them before EVERY statement gets very annoying and at a point it's rude and just unclassy.

But most of all, think about what you say before you say anything. Don't let rude comments slip out of your mouth, think about it first. And to be honest, saying something in a nice voice doesn't make your message any nicer.

Now most of you are probably wondering why I'm going on on this long rant that most of you probably don't care about, so I'll tell you. I have a friend who is just rude, the things she says sometimes makes you wonder why she would ever say a thing like that to begin with. She basically told me that I would be a failure at life, end up with a crappy job, and even do a crappy job at that. and she is one of my closer friends. Like WTF? You don't go up to a close friend and say stuff like that. she has called another one of my friends and "anorexic freak." My friend is not anorexic, but she is all too aware of her small figure, and it hurt her, because she is trying to gain weight, but just can't. She's also referred to her as someone with just one vein going through her body because she was so small. once again, you don't say stuff like that to people.

Basically, I just want to tell you guys, please be more considerate to the people around you. Most of these people love you, but if you don't treat them with respect, or realize what hurts them and keep hurting them they will one day leave you, and you may never know why, but they know fully well why.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

I Wonder...

Don't you ever look back on something and think "What if..."?

What if I did this or that, or what if I didn't do this or that. Don't you ever wonder what life would be like if you took a different decision at different times in your life. Do you ever wonder if maybe you would be happier, sadder, more successful, more popular, gotten a promotion, gotten fired and so on. If you answer no, you have never wonders about stuff like that, I have one thing to say to you: "You are a liar." We have all thought of things like this once or twice or maybe a million if you're like me. We have all looked into the past and regretted a decision that we have made. We are not perfect beings who always make the right decision, ever decision we make has it's casualties. By choosing a path, we loose out chances of seeing or doing whatever the other path would have led us to. We are humans, and humans experience nostalgia and that is what brings us back in time to wonder about the decisions we have made in our lives.

About 50% of you are probably thinking that you have taken every right decision, whereas the other 50% are thinking "I do wish I did this one/many thing(s)..."

Well I fall into the last 50%. The ones who wonder if changing one thing in their past may change who they are today for the better. I'm not saying I regret every that I have done up to this day, and at the same time I do believe that my options were the right ones, as far as I know anyways. But sometimes I think, what if I did this back in 6th grade, or what I never freaked this guy out, or what if I was never friends with BF, would my life be better? Would my walls not be up so high? Would I be where I am today?

We all have thoughts like this, those of you who deny, maybe it's time to let these thoughts come into your head, because it will allow you to know yourself a little more. Cause you know what people say, "To love others, one must love oneself first." So get to know yourself, accept who you are, accept your mistakes, accept your missed chances and learn to accept yourself for who you are.
