Sunday, September 30, 2012

Night Thoughts

Hey guys!

So tonight, I had my shortest shift ever! It was only 3 hours long! Yup, before this my shortest shift was 5 hours. All I did was a catering job for a party, so I didn't even have to do much, just show up, set up, serve, clean and leave. And the best part, was I spent a few hours doing nothing but texting and talking to my boss about nonsense. Not to mention that I got to eat the most delicious cookies EVER! They were amazing.

I also got into a fight, well ish, with W, she's mad at me for a prank I pulled on her. But I'm oping we can go back to being best friends, cause I'm s close to her, it feels weird to talking to her. Hopefully she'll forgive me eventually, cause I miss her like crazy :(

You know how people say that bet friends can always fight, butt hen they become friends again super quickly? Well, as much as I want to believe that, I don't think that's always true, I lost a lot of friends through fights, but I;m seriously hoping W isn't one of them...

Anyways, I am tired and need my beauty rest, until next time. And I also hope you guys are getting enough sleep, cause nothing feels better than a whole good nights sleep. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

So Tired...

Hey guys,

So yesterday was my first 16 hour shift EVER! and I am dead tired... We had a huge order at work yesterday. Making 13000 pastries for the order. I was supposed to work 1-11, then it got changed to 11:30-11 which isn't that bad, a normal double shift for me. Then my boss asked me to go in for 9:30... I said no, but ended up going in for 10 anyways.

We started off my making about 2000 Beavertails in 2 hours, then we started serving out guests. They day itself was really nice cause I got to work with MD and G, so we were just fooling around all day, my boss even caught me making a dough man on the job :P.

Then at 10, my boss calls me to see if I wanted to do a catering job at a wedding. Cause yes, Beavertails caters now, but only in Montreal. So I ended up going to a hall to serve Beavertails. So we leave to go to the catering, and I didn't have the "right" official Beavertails uniform on, so my boss made me wear his shirt. It's really funny, cause my co-worker was like "Umm J, we usually wear our boyfriends shirts... Not our bosses..." That was funny and we laughed pretty hard about that. Ohh work seriously doesn't feel like work most of the time. I ended up getting home around 2 in the morning yesterday... so a 10AM-2AM shift :) What a joy, well to some degree it was.

Well that's all I wanted to tell you guys about :)
Until next time!

Friday, September 21, 2012

One Woman Left Behind

Have you guys ever worried, that one day someone you really care about is just going to get up and leave you?

Well I think that more often than I would like to admit. I mean I know my friends are not literally going to just walk away from me. But what I mean is, sometimes don't you wonder why certain people are friends with you, or how these people can stand being around you all the time? I'm not saying that I'm a horrible friend (well at least I hope I'm not a horrible friend).

So I'm super happy that all my friends get along so well, it makes it a lot less awkward when you want to do group activities or just hanging out around campus. But sometimes I think what if they get along better than I do with either one of them, and they find each other more interesting than they find me. What if their friendship just buds of on it's own and mine is left alone. I'm not too concerned that that will happen this year, but what about in a few years from now (granted I still have the same close circle of friends). But I sometimes do wonder if some of my friends will just kind of grow out of our friendship and just leave me behind for another one of my friends or with someone completely different. I know this is a normal process in life, where you lose some people in your life and gain other friends in the process, but the group of friends I have right now (W,ST,H,AK,BB and Y) are amazing. They are like a supportive net for any problems that come my way. I know I would do anything for them and they would do the same for me. And I love that about them. They are honestly some of the closest friends I've ever had. Now I'll admit, some of them know me better than others, and I know some of them better than others, but I love them all.

I've lost friends before, so it's not like if I were to lose one of them I would stop functioning, but thinking about losing them makes me sad... I just hope we remain good friends throughout the rest of our university life, and hopefully for the rest of our lives :)


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Time to Catch Up

Hey guys!

So I know it hasn't been that long since I've last updated, but I don't really want to study, so I'm here talking (typing) away. So it's officially been a week since school started, and I am loving it! Sure, the classes are a little harder than before, and there is a lot more reading than before, but it is fun, well maybe being in a class with 700 other people make it seem fun. But yup, I've been seeing most of my friends in the past few days, and even caught up with some I forgot about :P I know I'm a wonderful friend.

So I've been hanging out with H the past few days, like for breaks and after classes and stuff. I was scared that I might have lost him as a really good friend, but surprisingly, we've been able to slip into our usual friendship. It's not as awkward as it was last year after I told him how I felt about him, which is really nice cause I was getting tired of tip-toeing around and trying to find things to say that didn't make our conversations awkward, but we just had a conversation where I was talking about come cute co-workers and it didn't feel awkward (at least on my end). I'm really glad that our friendship seems to not be at a standstill cause I would seriously miss him a little too much. It's nice to have him round and just hear him mumble about anything, and to get into our usual banter about nothing and everything. I no longer get an increased heart rate when seeing him, and I no longer feel nervous around him, so now it's like we truly are best friends.

I've also been spending a lot of time with ST, and Y. I have to say I am so happy that all my friends get along with one another, now I know some of you are like, but you're all friends, shouldn't you all get along anyways? The thing is these are all friends that I've met separately throughout the last few years. So I'm glad that my different friendships can function as one huge one :).

Now there is one person that I've caught up with just today actually, that I kinda forgot about... well not forgot about, but just never got around to texting or calling, well to be fair, he hasn't tried to contact me either. So we're even on that front. I've started talking to SB again. Y asked H about him today and I was like oh ya! SB is still around. H was like you know "SB says that you don't love him anymore and you just ignore him," so I'm like might as well text him. He's still usual SB, calling me son and acting like my mom and being, well weird... Not that i have any normal friends anyways. But yupp it was fun chatting with him after the whole summer.

Other than that I'm just slacking off most of my school work, Instead of reading and writing my own notes at home, I've been hanging out with Y after school, going bubble tea and shopping all the time. I'm also going to try to stick to a weekly work out at my schools athletic complex. Hopefully I'll be able to get fit and loose a few pounds along the way :P and hopefully it will be a good way to channel my stress.

Until next time,

Sunday, September 9, 2012

University & the End of Summer

Hey Guys!

So University has started, and I am excited! I know it's going to be a challenge, but it's one I'm looking forward to. This year I'll also be working part time the whole school year (well hopefully the whole school year).

The first week of university is already over and it's not as hard as I thought it would be, it's somewhat like CEGEP (for now anyways), and the one big difference is that being at Mcgill means that I have to hike from Sherbrooke to Pine all the time, and I'm an idiot that only gives myself 10 minutes to get up for my next class... Yes, winter will be wonderful. The other difference is that there is over 750 students in each of my classes. As my friends say: "It's just like in the movies!" The work in some of my classes is somewhat similar to CEGEP work, so I could kind of take it easy for now, as long as I don't fall behind.

I have classes with a lot of old friends this semester too, I have classes with W, ST, H, Y and MK. I'm not sure if there's anyone else, but they are the people that I think of off the top of my head. I've also made a few new friends, well one that I talk to everyday so far. I've mostly been hanging out with W, ST, Y, and a friend I will now name LI. I've known LI for about a semester now cause we had a few classes together in CEGEP

I don't really have anything super exciting to share, cause nothing much has happened yet. It's always the usual: school, work, reading... nothing much has changed.

Ohh and this summer, I have read a total of 19 books! I'm on book 20 right now, and hopefully be done by next weekend, that will be cheating on my goal of 20 books for the summer, but I'm not ready to just dive into my school textbooks just yet. Yes I'm aware of my nerdiness, and I am proud to say that I read so much over one summer, all while working 35-50 hours a week. It has been a total of 19 books which is 7300 pages in total. Some of the books on my list will have to wait until Christmas break and I'm not going to buy anymore books until I'm done with the books I really want to read, and there is still a few left on my list of yet to reads.

Also, for those who live in Quebec, I'm sure you know that The Parti Quebecois won the last provincial elections, and let me just say, Thank God it's a minority win, cause we would not be able to handle a majority one. Marois (party leader) claims that she wants to stop the tuition hikes (which will stop the striking students), abolish Bill78 (which is the law that doesn't allow you to wear a mask while protesting) and of course she is a sovereigntist, so she is pushing for a referendum, and for big companies such as Tim Hortons and McDonalds to have more french names. Now she may be in power, making you think that she has a lot of followers, and although she does, a lot of Quebeckers voted for her, just to have someone new be in power, because Charest has been in power for about 9 years. A lot of people in Quebec actually don't support the referendum, I believe only about 30% support the idea. So we are all hoping that the day when we have to decide if Quebec will become it's own country will never come, but we never know. In the mean time, a lot of anglophones are looking for houses in Ontario, or in H's case, preparing for the worst.

Tell me what you guys think of the election result or if you don't live in Quebec, do you think Quebec has anything to offer the world as it's own country?

Until next time, party hard, study hard and laugh even harder :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Looking at the Future

Hey guys!

So I've finished book 18 for the summer (sorry ST, I know I said 19... I miss counted).

One of my friends is moving to ttawa this weekend... I haven't really spoken aout her on my blog, but she is present in my life She's one of those people who are mean honest to you, and even though you know they are being honest, her comments hurt. Like you should be able to sencor your thoughts before saying them type mean. But she's nice, I'll let you guys know her as S, this actually might be her first and last time showing up on my blog since she's moving and I don't know how often we'll be able to talk or hang out. So yes, S is sometimes mean and hurtful, but she is always there to listen and there to lend a hand, and even though she is mean, I'm glad she is around to offer her opinion, cause even though it's mean, it gives you an insight on what people think of you.

This post isn't just about me talking about her though :P For those who are interested in H news, well good news! We've been talking again! He just got back from a vacation in Cuba. And he apologized for this Awolness. He says that he isn't good at staying in touch with people, which probably mean that if I want to be his friend, I must be the annoying one that bugs him all the time so we don't drift apart.... Oh how things don't change from CEGEP all that much... But yes, we will keep in touch no matter what >.< and whether he likes it or not, I've already warned him. We have a class together this semester, so maybe it won't be all that hard :) AA has promised to be my study buddy since we don't have any classes together. SB is well, non existent :P I haven't talked to him since about mid/end June... I also have a class with W, and I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of each other, at least this year... I can't say about the years after that though. I have a feeling I'm going to have a whole new set of friends by the end of this year, which kinda scares me but at the same time gets me excited. I mean I'll miss everyone cause it'll be different in a sense and some of the people I'm friends with right now are friends from High school, and they are friendships I want to keep for a long time and hope that these people will grow and change with me, maybe not in the same ways and not through the same experiences, but I would like to see them in my future. And by them I mean W, BB, O, Y, ST, AK, and maybe even H, if we end up keeping in touch. Of course I've said this about many friendships over the years and I haven't really been in touch with some people for a long long time, so I know I'll end up loosing some of these people in the long run a well, but I'm hoping I won't.

Also, this school year I shall be employed to work about 10-15 hours a week (I know! Perfect hours for students who want  bit of pocket change). I don't need the job for the money though, it's more for my CV and just keeping myself busy. I've noticed that when I have free time I tend to procrastinate, I noticed that last year, when I was still working I focused a lot more on school and actually did better in school despite less time studying. Now this could have been due to the fact that it was because it was the beginning of the semester, but it actually went through midterms and a few papers, and I started the year off better than I ended (well in some classes). I did better in my Biology and Physics lass as the year progressed, which was a big surprise. But I noticed that while I worked, I was more set to do things because I knew I wouldn't have time for it later, I managed my time a lot better, and hopefully this helps in University as well.

Now I know some of you may be waiting for me o find a new love interest or decide on which guy I actually like, but to be honest, I don't think I like anyone at the moment, yes I find some people at work good looking and I like being around them, but I don't like them like them... It's hard to explain, but I have a feeling some of you guys know what I'm talking about. And it's kind of annoying how a lot of my friends suddenly say things like "You and H looked like such a cute couple" or "I always though your feelings were reciprocal" or "You guy were like a couple, all you were missing was a kiss" and it's kind of like, I'm trying to get over this kid, and even though you give me positive things about the relationship we could have/kind of did have, it's not helping me get over the fact that he said he didn't like me. But it also helps me in a way (I know, I'm weird) because it makes me feel a little better because now I know he did kind of give signs that other people were able to read and I wasn't just looking into things... so for those friends reading this, I don't know if I hate of don't mind the comments. I also still get a lot of "Maybe you and SB had something going on" and I'm just like argh, why does everyone think that?! There is nothing wrong with SB let me get that clear right away, but it's just that I didn't like him that way. SB is actually a really smart, humble, funny and really cute. Sometimes I ask myself why I didn't like him instead (just like some of you), but hearts are known to be difficult creatures and we often don't have a choice in the matters of the heart.

Anyways, this will be the end of this post, because I have to get going to bed since I have work tomorrow. I hope you guys are okay with me not posting as much as I have been this summer since I have work and school and studying, and I still semi want to have a life. But of course I'll still tell you guys about bigger things that are happening :)

See you guys soon,