Monday, November 26, 2012

Potential Shopaholic?

So in less than a month I somehow spent over 800$ on stuff. This is not just on Black Friday... but I think that played a key role in it too. But in my defense, I feel like I got a decent amount of stuff for the bill that I'll be getting. So here is a list of the stuff I bought that will be on this bill (some of the stuff are presents for Christmas for family members)
  • iPod Touch 5th generation in blue
  • 2 pairs of leggings
  • a cute tank top
  • a long sleeveless sheer button down shirt that can be used as a dress(ish)
  • facial mask from Clinique
  • Blotting sheets from Bosica
  • nail polish set from the Sephora Collection
  • Smashbox Photo Finish Color Correcting Foundation Primer
  • bow shirt
  • shirt with sequenced sleeves
  • black jeggings
  • sweater (for my brother)
  • Reached by Ally Condie
  • Hidden by P.C. and Kristin Cast
  • Vampire Diaries- The Hunters vol 3 by L.J. Smith
  • Insurgent by Veronica Roth
  • black and white striped sweater
  • light and dark blue striped shirt
  • 3 t-shirts (for my brothers)
  •  my Secret Santa present ;) (2 parts)
  • and some food here and there (Tim Hortons and Starbucks)
I feel like it's a decent hull, but it's still a significant amount of money... and I'm not working anymore so there is no way for me to make my money back until next summer.

To solve this problem, I've told all my close friends that if I want to get something, they must stop me from getting it. I am only allowed to buy Christmas presents and Timmies, but I need ti stop buying that too.

What do you guys think? Would you have regretted the purchases?


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Update 2.0

Hey guys!

So multiple things I want to talk about today. Most of which are unrelated... I think. Well I kind of hope they all fit into one another so it would be easier to understand.

So first on the menu, Finals are coming up. I am scared crazy right now because I'm behind in almost ever single class and I feel like even though I'm up to date... I don't know anything. I'm scared because although most of my midterms went okay (there was room for improvement) I didn't do so well in a few classes. And I'm afraid that I'll mess us in the finals too. I have five courses six finals. YES SIX -.- I am stressing out and the first two are back to back, then three days later I have two on the same day, then two days later I have another final, and finally five days before the last one. and I am upset because the last one is the one that I believe I need the least time studying for... School how I hate you... But I'm hoping I do well this semester because it would really help to kick off my Uni life with a pretty good GPA.

Secondly, I just got the 5th Generation iPod touch, and I am loving it! I got it in blue and it is such a pretty shade of blue. I had the old 3rd gen one and not having a camera on it was killing me (along with the fact that half my apps no longer worked). I got it about a week ago and I honestly love it. Y likes to iMessage so it comes in handy with her. I also love that it's easier for me to use Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. Consequently, it also makes for a good distraction in class when I'm bored. That's it for shinny new toys.

Next on the list is Black Friday. So you guys (most of you guys) know I live in Canada, so we don't have the crazy super sales or anything. But we do have a few decent ones. I'm not one of the people who go for high end stuff. More casual places like American Eagle and Garage and stuff. And I picked up a few things. I feel like a lot of the stores had a lot of hype around their sales, but there really wasn't anythings special about them. A few places had 40% off everything, which I thought was a good deal, but most places just had sales on their sale items. I ended up spending over 150 today though, although about half of that was on books. Because yes... I am a bookworm :P

Lastly, I would like to address a situation that ST probably wants to read about... L. So ST and Y have met L and at a point they both wanted me to either become better friends with him or a little more than that. But I'm having issues ever since they mentioned this, cause last year I kind of did have a crush on him. and I put that aside. But I always felt like we had pretty good chemistry, like we play fight and we make fun of one another all the time (well him more than me). But he's kind of like that with everyone I guess, well a little (I know he's like to all the pretty girls at work. And before ST jumps to conclusions: I am not one of the pretty ones). So ya, but there are so many negative aspects, like he parties all the time, he drinks a lot. He smokes pot often. and I find smoking is a huge turn off. But he's also nice to me, in his weird way and he's smart too, he dropped out of school but he is still very knowledgeable. That's another thing! He dropped out of school! He's planning to go back... but I don't know. Maybe ST is right and I just don't want it to go any further than this, maybe cause I'm scared... I don't know. But ti's so annoying cause we were shopping today and every time I saw a nice men's sweater, I though "Hey that would look good on L" and it annoys me... and I don't know why. cause I don't like him!

Anyways it is 1:15 and I have to get some Biology done... yay -.- Wish me luck!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Staff Night

Hey guys!

So I co-organized a staff night last night with one of my coworkers and we had a blast. Not everyone showed up of course. But the ones that did all had fun. We were supposed to be 10 peoples, but MD and his sister couldn't make it last minute cause they had a family supper to go to, but we had fun without them. It's fun to be with coworkers when you aren't stressing and you have time to all sit down and eat at the same time. I met up with GW at work and we hung around till she was done and then we walked over to meet up with everyone else. We all ate, but one of our co-workers, LT, had to leave early.

We all jokes around about work, movies, school, and it was nice cause for once we weren't all stressed about work related things. G had classes, but he joined us afterwards and we left the restaurant. Half of us went to a pub afterwards and the other half went to go watch Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2. I went to the pub with 2 other of my coworkers and we just talked about boys and their past relationships. We ended the night by taking pictures in a photo booth :P It was a nice well spent away from school stress.

Then this morning I posted a picture of all of us at the restaurant with the caption to my boss going "admit it you miss us ;)", and my boss replies "if u would've invited me, I would've paid ;)". The relationship I have with my boss is honestly not a normal employer/employee relationship, but that's what makes it fun.

Everyone's telling me that we should do staff night again, but that obviously means "Hey J, you should plan something like this again!" So yup, I'll be planning the next event too. And next time I'll invite my boss too, so he can pick up the tab :P

See you guys soon :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

20 (More) Things about J

Hey guys, so I had a challenge with the last 20 Things about J so I decided to do another one :) Here goes (again):

  1. I love to bake (cookies, brownies, cakes, etc)
  2. I want to learn how to play guitar and the piano
  3. I've held 5 guys hands that I remember of. One of my childhood crush, 2 different Matthew's in the past year (yes I just broke my no name rule on that one), one with a guy at my birthday party last year (we were eating and we just held hands), and one that was with a guy I kind of liked but didn't.
  4. I know how to knit, but just basic stuff
  5. I taught myself how to swim (I'm not good at it, if you pushed me into a deep pool, I would probably drown)
  6. I'm a huge pessimist, although I hate it and try not to be
  7. My favorite part of my body are my lips, then it would be my eyes
  8. I currently have 5 best friends (W, ST, Y, BB and H)
  9. If I could be anything in life, I would want to be an actress
  10. I feel like I've gotten a lot more confident over the past year (I'm still a push over though :P but it's getting better)
  11. I've cried in front of a teacher (thankfully he was a social worker too, so he didn't make it awkward for me, well anymore awkward than it already was)
  12. I've had a crush on 10 guys (4 of them were blond with blue eyes)
  13. I talk about work way to much, and hang out around work to much too
  14. If I could live anywhere in the world it would probably be New York (in a city girl)
  15. My dream house would include a bay window (so I can sit there and read), and a pool in the backyard
  16. I wish I could get someone to let me decorate their house completely to my design
  17. I will almost never admit it, but I love hugging AA, he makes me feel safe and stress free for some reason
  18. my favorite food is seaweed (on sushi or roasted or in soup or in salad)
  19. My favorite cartoon character is Pikachu
  20. I love to sing and dance (but I'm not good at either)
Another 20 things about me completed! This one was a little trickier to finish, I had to think about a lot of these :) But I did it! So now you know 40 things about me total.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Girls Night

Hey guys,

I just had a girls night at Y's house and we bakes a cheesecake that, get this, didn't even have to be backed! Isn't that amazing? I was so surprised that you can make a cheesecake without baking it. WE went grocery shopping first and then we dropped by Wendy's for supper and then we went back to her house to watch Burlesque. Then we finally got around to making the cake. It was really fun cause I generally bake alone :p So it was nice having company :) We fooled around too, she put whipped cream on my face and we were blasting music and dancing around too.

But when I was in her room, I was playing with her guitar. YES she has a guitar! I was so excited cause I've always wanted to learn and after laying around with hers I am convinced to go out and buy myself a guitar now! I really want to learn how to play guitar. I'm hoping H can still maybe teach me, when ever he finds free time in his schedule... He's always so busy.

What I wanted to say in the last paragraph before I got side tracked by excitement was that playing the guitar at Y's house reminded me of when I spent 2 hours in a music shop and H played the guitar for me for about an hour. And I can't help but think how nice that was, we ended up getting kicked out of the store cause they were closing :P That was a really nice worry free little time in that day.

Okay so back to girls night, we were singing our hearts out in the car whenever we were in there, and then I got to meet her mom and uncle, and officially her sister. It was fun, I watched them play cards. I got t joke around with her family and got to know her brother a little better :) It was a fun night and I'm totally down to do it again, except this time with ST too! You hear me? You better be there next time!

Anyways it's late and I should be getting to bed, I'll tell you guys how the cake turned out since it's chilling in the fridge right now :P


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

20 Things About J

Hey guys,

So I have nothing much to blog about so I though "Hey! Why not let you guys know me a little better?" So here goes, and if I run out before 20 facts... Well I tried!

  1. I am an Asian that was born and raised (and still being raised) in Montreal, Canada
  2. I'm agnostic, I am not part of any religious group but I believe that there is someone or something out there watching us and taking care of use or being a pain and giving us obstacles
  3. I am a pretty social person (depending on the situation)
  4. I love to read, I can spend days on end reading (brain candy books though :P)
  5. I don't find guys cute very often
  6. I've never dated
  7. I've kissed a stranger (a french kiss)
  8. I used to write short stories and dreamed of getting them published one day (and then I realized that they were all garbage)
  9. I am very attached to my friends and the people I love, so it's hard for me to let go
  10. I enjoy sketching on my free time, or creative writing and poetry (I'm pretty artsy sometimes)
  11. I get caught up in what I do very easily and all my attention and focus is focused on that one thing
  12. I have a thing for blonds and blue eyes ;)
  13. I like wearing dresses (A LOT!) but I almost never wear them
  14. I have not set goals for what I'm going to do after my undergrad degree (or after my grad studies or whatever comes after that)
  15. I like to make people smile, I actually hope that I'm my friends go to person when they are down, cause it seems like most of the time I can get a smile out of them
  16. The longest crush I've had lasted 5 years (then on and off after that for another year or so)
  17. I'm more materialistic than I would like to admit
  18. I tend to push everyone but my close friends away
  19. I have a really hard time figuring out if I like a guy or not
  20. My favorite color is purple (if you couldn't tell form my blog)
OMG I did it! :) 20 facts about myself. They probably aren't that detailed, bat that's what I came up with.

Also I just wanted to note that some of you may know that H and I were ignoring/not talking to one another a while back. I just wanted to note that we've started talking again. We've been texting each other the past two days. Mostly me being frustrated at him, which is new cause I'm usually so tolerant of him :P. So ya, we're talking again. I'll keep you guys updated on that.

Till next time, remember that confidence is something that looks good on everyone.
