Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's Snowmagedon!

Yes! I live in Montreal and we broke a record today, 45cm in less than 24hours! That is a lot a lot of snow! And yes, we had to dig ourselves out, at least I didn't have to drive on a day like today :P For those of you who did, you guys are brave souls! Anyone on the East coast that was hit with this storm and went out today. I decided today was a lazy day cause the snow just kept coming down! My mom, brothers and I shoveled twice today, and OMG, it is a workout! Both times we spent about an hour shoveling, and we didn't even shovel out a car! We just did stairs and driveway and it was a workout, I can feel my arms starting to get soar from the hard work! When the snow was all piled up, it was almost as high as I was! And I'm 5'5". But it was fun shoveling and seeing other people suffer through the same thing we were. It was a pretty insane day and I think my cousins from out of town are wishing that they were back in Toronto where the snow isn't as bad, I mean come one, they flip over 15cm, 15 is almost nothing to us Montrealers. Hopefully the city starts to clear the snow soon, cause this is crazy road conditions. The sidewalks around my house hasn't even been shoveled once by the city, everyone on my street is walking on the street and cars are driving in the opposite way.

I don't even want to go out the next few days cause I have had enough of snow, I kind of wish I took my friends offer and when to Florida with her and her family :( They have sun and nice weather (temperature wise). I miss the sun and the winter!

My next few days will be fun though :) So the snow will hopefully not be a bummer. I'll be bumming around tomorrow again and then I will be spending the day with ST on Saturday, then going out for sushi with my co-workers. Although a few of the people I wanted to see won't be making it :( MD just said he won't be able to make it and that kind of bummed be out cause I haven't seen him for such a long time. I don't know if his sister will make it since he isn't coming and I miss her too! But L, WL, LT and newly introduced CL will be able to make it :D BD  won't becoming since she was making a big deal out of everything and everyone took my side, which means that she's mad at me. So it she doesn't come G won't come, but I don't even care cause I like everyone that is coming :P

Then Sunday, H asked a bunch of us to go horseback riding. Yes in the middle of winter :p Among the invitees are ST and Y, so even thought it's going to be freezing, I'm sure we're going to have an awesome time :) And I have never gone horseback riding, well I have when I was 5 or 6, but it was on a school field trip, so there was a guy guiding the horse and it was only for about 5 minutes. I don't know if I should be scared or excited about this trip... maybe both?

I will tell you how these events go, if they turn out to be eventful :P


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