Saturday, December 22, 2012

What is Beauty?

We have so many different definitions for beauty. But what we all put our beauty reputation next to are the people we see on ads and billboards. We as a society have evolved to believe that what is beautiful is a size zero waist and long flowing hair, long lashes, and an ample bosom, long legs and the hour glass figure. But is that real beauty? Or is it the fake Photoshopped, starved model we see? There is more to beauty than what we see on the outside, we are all beautiful in different ways.

Yes, a lot of our outside counts for first impressions and of course we all try to look our best to impress the people we like. But think about it, the people who really matter to you, do they care if you have makeup on or not? Do they care if you're wearing sweatpants or a pair or designer jeans? For those of you who thought about your closest friends, then no, they don't care what you look like cause they'll love you no matter what you look like.

We have this perception on beauty being that we have to look like a model on a billboard to be beautiful, but do we? That model is Photoshopped, and it is a standard of beauty that a lot of us probably won't ever be able to achieve. I know that was harsh, but think about it, a lot of what we see on billboards is photoshop, insane dieting, and most importantly there is a lot of genetics involved. The people who are born super thin into the ideal size that we hold up to standard is genetics, and even then, the person is touched up before being put up on the ad. All of us are made up of different genes, yes we all have 23 pairs of chromosomes and yes we are all the same species, but does it matter? Does that make us all the same? No it doesn't we are all unique in our own ways and yes, that makes us all genetic mutants (without the super powers) but we are all special and we should all love ourselves the way we look. And you know what? We can't all look like the current It Girl, but we are all unique in our own ways and that is what makes us beautiful. And honesty if someone really loves you, they will love you for what's on the inside and out. Cause what's on the outside is just a shell for the amazing person we have on the inside.

And even if someone is insanely pretty on the outside, they can be a total bitch on the inside. You know those girls who walk around in  designer clothes and pretend to like everyone? Ya, they aren't so perfect, they are just like me and you, they have flaws too. We are all different inside and out, you can't judge a person based on their outside and not their personality. Now, I have to admit, I've judged people based on first impressions, and that is not always fair of me. And sometimes I am right, but sometimes I am totally wrong. And that has happened to many times with some people that I feel bad thinking that way about them at the beginning. But what I wanted to say with this post is that we should give everyone a chance, just because they aren't a ten on your scale doesn't mean that they don't have the ability to really surprise you.

Remember that you are all beautiful

And yes, for those of you wondering, I am not pretty. I'm not one of those people who walk around in designer things and have makeup on all the time. But I am also a hypocrite cause even though I am writing this post telling you all to think of yourselves as beautiful, I don't find myself pretty and I have self esteem problems and wish I looked more like girls on the billboards. But I'm working on it, and I have good and bad days, but I try. And I think everyone of you should try to see yourselves as beautiful too.


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