Tuesday, November 6, 2012

20 Things About J

Hey guys,

So I have nothing much to blog about so I though "Hey! Why not let you guys know me a little better?" So here goes, and if I run out before 20 facts... Well I tried!

  1. I am an Asian that was born and raised (and still being raised) in Montreal, Canada
  2. I'm agnostic, I am not part of any religious group but I believe that there is someone or something out there watching us and taking care of use or being a pain and giving us obstacles
  3. I am a pretty social person (depending on the situation)
  4. I love to read, I can spend days on end reading (brain candy books though :P)
  5. I don't find guys cute very often
  6. I've never dated
  7. I've kissed a stranger (a french kiss)
  8. I used to write short stories and dreamed of getting them published one day (and then I realized that they were all garbage)
  9. I am very attached to my friends and the people I love, so it's hard for me to let go
  10. I enjoy sketching on my free time, or creative writing and poetry (I'm pretty artsy sometimes)
  11. I get caught up in what I do very easily and all my attention and focus is focused on that one thing
  12. I have a thing for blonds and blue eyes ;)
  13. I like wearing dresses (A LOT!) but I almost never wear them
  14. I have not set goals for what I'm going to do after my undergrad degree (or after my grad studies or whatever comes after that)
  15. I like to make people smile, I actually hope that I'm my friends go to person when they are down, cause it seems like most of the time I can get a smile out of them
  16. The longest crush I've had lasted 5 years (then on and off after that for another year or so)
  17. I'm more materialistic than I would like to admit
  18. I tend to push everyone but my close friends away
  19. I have a really hard time figuring out if I like a guy or not
  20. My favorite color is purple (if you couldn't tell form my blog)
OMG I did it! :) 20 facts about myself. They probably aren't that detailed, bat that's what I came up with.

Also I just wanted to note that some of you may know that H and I were ignoring/not talking to one another a while back. I just wanted to note that we've started talking again. We've been texting each other the past two days. Mostly me being frustrated at him, which is new cause I'm usually so tolerant of him :P. So ya, we're talking again. I'll keep you guys updated on that.

Till next time, remember that confidence is something that looks good on everyone.


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