Saturday, November 17, 2012

Staff Night

Hey guys!

So I co-organized a staff night last night with one of my coworkers and we had a blast. Not everyone showed up of course. But the ones that did all had fun. We were supposed to be 10 peoples, but MD and his sister couldn't make it last minute cause they had a family supper to go to, but we had fun without them. It's fun to be with coworkers when you aren't stressing and you have time to all sit down and eat at the same time. I met up with GW at work and we hung around till she was done and then we walked over to meet up with everyone else. We all ate, but one of our co-workers, LT, had to leave early.

We all jokes around about work, movies, school, and it was nice cause for once we weren't all stressed about work related things. G had classes, but he joined us afterwards and we left the restaurant. Half of us went to a pub afterwards and the other half went to go watch Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2. I went to the pub with 2 other of my coworkers and we just talked about boys and their past relationships. We ended the night by taking pictures in a photo booth :P It was a nice well spent away from school stress.

Then this morning I posted a picture of all of us at the restaurant with the caption to my boss going "admit it you miss us ;)", and my boss replies "if u would've invited me, I would've paid ;)". The relationship I have with my boss is honestly not a normal employer/employee relationship, but that's what makes it fun.

Everyone's telling me that we should do staff night again, but that obviously means "Hey J, you should plan something like this again!" So yup, I'll be planning the next event too. And next time I'll invite my boss too, so he can pick up the tab :P

See you guys soon :)

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