Showing posts with label doubts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doubts. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Summer is Upon Me!

Hey guys!

So I am done with this semester!! First year of university: CHECK! That is right, first year of Uni done, 2 (hopefully) more to go! So what am I going to be doing this summer? Well I already wrote down my plans here (check it out if you want, or not). But long story short, get in shape, work and read, read  READ!!

I already have a bunch of books lined up (most of which I have bought in the past few years and never got around to) and I'm hoping to get even more books in, although I want to make myself only get books when I'm going to read them. I've noticed that I have a lot of hardcover books that are available in paperback by the time I get around to reading them. That is, only get them when I'm going to read them unless there is a sale, how can I say no to a book sale? I guess like last summer I'm going to keep you guys updated on the books I read, I don't know if I'm going to do a book list again like I did last year, although I might do a compilation at the end of the summer when I've tallied up all the books I've read.

My other plan is to get in shape! It'll be hard with work and all (I know from previous experience) but I want to go on jogs/walks in the morning, or go biking instead (whichever strikes my mood in the morning). Not every morning, but a good 2 times a week. I know it should be 2, but with working 35 hours in a week within 3 days, one can get tired :P But I will try, I promise (well actually don't hold me to that :P). I also have to go to the Zumba classes that ST got me for Christmas... yes shame on me, I never got around to going to them :P

And yes, my summer has just begun (today) and I'm already thinking about work and all that jazz, I am a eager one, I'll give you that :P I like to keep busy with an unhealthy dose of stress, not good for me I know, but it keeps me on my toes and focused. So back to work, I thought that I would have a good month off before I have to worry about that again... but I guess not... I have to go into work next week. Talk about a short summer. I'm hoping it's nothing big, probably just a meeting, organizing employees and setting out the plan for the year, but it's still work... and on top of it all, I have to go in in the morning :(

Speaking of work (I know I'm talking about work A LOT), I am worried about becoming a manager... Like what if something goes terribly wrong? What if I'm not cut out to be a manager? I was an operations manager last year, but it's on a whole new level, I mean last year I had one store to take care of, this year I'll have 4 (we own separate stores in different locations), on top of it all, if something went wrong, I had my manager to fall back on. It's a lot of work, and I'm scared that I'm not up for the task, although a lot of people think I am, I don't feel ready. I'll be the one calling the shots (if my boss isn't in) and I'll also be the one ultimately responsible if anything goes wrong, and I don't have a thick skin. The last time my boss left em in charge with the 4 stores, I went banana's. I legit broke down in the backroom, it was a hell a lot of stress, although my boss got an earful afterwards (and yet I am still working for him...). I'm hoping things go smoother now than it did last time, cause that did not leave a good impression on me. Also, I realize, I'm going to be an active part of firing and keeping employees... And I have a lot of friends coming in to work for us this year, am I ready to boss them around? Yell/lecture them if need be? Or worst case scenario, fire them? I'm a type of person that can't say no, so should I be worried? Maybe not, I mean I did recommend them so they are only the best of candidates... hopefully. So yes, it's a lot for me to think about right now preparing myself to get authoritative... my worst skill (yay). And like last year, I am walking in thinking "everyone will hate me." Yes that is what I walked into work thinking last year, and although I got a long with most people, I'm petty sure a few people couldn't stand me... But hopefully I'll leave a good impression on the newcomers like I did with the ones last year :)

Wish me luck!


p.s. Good luck with your finals, essays and everything else! And if you're already done with it all, then have an amazing summer!