Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


So yes, it finally happened. I finally had my breakdown. Honestly, I'm surprised it took me this long to breakdown. I've been so stressed all summer, what with my supplemental and with working so much and just with my coworkers being assholes a lot of the time. I haven't had a day off since I started the season and all the stress just finally piled up to be so high that it all just tumbled on me and I finally cracked. It wasn't pretty and it was not at a convenient time to have a manager break down either. I felt that something was off about an hour before I broke down. I wasn't feeling well and I was distracted by nothing the whole time. I wasn't being coherent to customers and then midrush I had my breakdown and I had to run to the backstore to try to calm myself down and that didn't help. I completely shut down, something I never wanted to happen at work. I always hopped by breakdown would happen one day after work when I was at home or something.

My boss asked me what was wrong and I think he felt like he was walking on eggshells the whole night after that cause I was pretty upset. I ended up taking an extended break to just sit and do nothing (and cry). L saw me and gave me a hug and consoled me for a while and he offered to take my shift the next day (which I took him up on in the end).

So I had yesterday off and I didn't realize how much I needed a real day off. I barely spoke to anyone from work and the only time I did was to joke around with them. I had my phone off for half of the day and I also just slept for most of the day. I know I was supposed to study for my exam, but I was just so tired and rundown. I think that's a very valid excuse! But don't worry, I ended up studying at night, but got distracted by work people. I'm still trying to fix the issues from last night.

To be honest, I think that work isn't going to help my blood pressure, at this point I don't think it's going to help with my health at all (although walking around all day is exercise). I really need to start balancing my stress a lot better cause I think all this stress will end up cutting my life short. Hopefully, I'll find a balance before my next breakdown or before things get any worse.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Stress Stress and more Stress

Hey guys,

So yes summer has started and I have already hit my first impasse. I have to write an exam at the end of the summer to get into one of the classes I'm taking in a future semester, so now I have to turn into a study monster (the transformation is taking some time... A LOT of time). I'm hoping to get started tomorrow so I know I have enough time to know most of the stuff and be as prepared as possible. This is not the main source of my stress, yet... but it will be. I'll let that hit me when it does.

My main source of stress is work. Like I pointed out before, I am stressed about how people will take me as a manager this year. I mean last year was great in terms of me being and operations manager but being manager, it feels like it takes stress levels to whole new level... And I'm scared of messing up or of being the manager that everyone hates. I've met up with most of the new recruits and a lot of them seem really nice, but of course, I have to see how they work before I can make a final verdict. BD, co-manager and has an hate/love relationship with me, has been very nice the past few days, which gets me very suspicious for some reason, and maybe I shouldn't be suspicious, but I am. She would Facebook message me and get her bf to text me on her behalf (she currently doesn't have a phone) and she would be really nice when we see each other. It's a ice change of pace from my usual walk on eggshells, but I can't help but be suspicious anyways. L also seems to be super nice and we're getting along well even though he was being a sour grape a little while back. But what is stressing me is my boss. I just feel like he might be expecting a little too much out of me. I mean , I have no clue what I'm doing. I've been working the past two days along with BD, L and GW and we've been briefing the new people in on the job and touring them to our different locations and my boss would suddenly be like "J, you do it" and he won't stop insisting till I do whatever it is he asked. Things went by a lot easier today, maybe cause it was a repeat of the previous day, but not as bumpy a ride :P I just feel like it's going to be a lot o pressure on me this year (most of the pressure I'll probably be putting on myself), but I just feel like it will be.

In the past two days, I've met with over 40 new employees, gotten sunburned like it's the middle of July, gotten along with a lot of the new employees and already had my boss chauffeur me around, I wouldn't say it's a bad of good start, but it is definitely a start of the season.

My relationship with my boss is also stressing me out a little. Because even thought I know I've worked hard to get to where I am, the things people say about being the "favorite" is getting to me a little. I'm starting to think that maybe I did just get lucky and ended up having a good relationship with my boss. I mean he drives me home after shifts, and he's driven me into work once of twice (mostly cause he lives less than ten minutes to me by car), I get sent emoticons when I text him (kinda strange), I know he takes my opinions seriously, I've gone to a bar with his wife, and I answered that darn mans' phone today for Pete's sake! Although it was because he was in the middle of a presentation and I knew the person on the other end. But still, what if all of this is the only reason I am where I am? What if I'm a bosses pet? I mean he even asked me to go into work this week and I thought it was a group text asking a bunch of employees, but from the way he answered I sound like the only one he asked. So yes it's a strange relationship, but is that the only thing that's gotten me where I am, or am I as hard working as I hope I am?

I'm probably talking nonsense, but it's just a lot of stress... Plus at the moment I'm making work plans, study pans, school related plans and social plans all at the same time for the upcoming 7 days, and it is hard to juggle all of this at once... Why am I the planner in my group of friends again?


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Update 2.0

Hey guys!

So multiple things I want to talk about today. Most of which are unrelated... I think. Well I kind of hope they all fit into one another so it would be easier to understand.

So first on the menu, Finals are coming up. I am scared crazy right now because I'm behind in almost ever single class and I feel like even though I'm up to date... I don't know anything. I'm scared because although most of my midterms went okay (there was room for improvement) I didn't do so well in a few classes. And I'm afraid that I'll mess us in the finals too. I have five courses six finals. YES SIX -.- I am stressing out and the first two are back to back, then three days later I have two on the same day, then two days later I have another final, and finally five days before the last one. and I am upset because the last one is the one that I believe I need the least time studying for... School how I hate you... But I'm hoping I do well this semester because it would really help to kick off my Uni life with a pretty good GPA.

Secondly, I just got the 5th Generation iPod touch, and I am loving it! I got it in blue and it is such a pretty shade of blue. I had the old 3rd gen one and not having a camera on it was killing me (along with the fact that half my apps no longer worked). I got it about a week ago and I honestly love it. Y likes to iMessage so it comes in handy with her. I also love that it's easier for me to use Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. Consequently, it also makes for a good distraction in class when I'm bored. That's it for shinny new toys.

Next on the list is Black Friday. So you guys (most of you guys) know I live in Canada, so we don't have the crazy super sales or anything. But we do have a few decent ones. I'm not one of the people who go for high end stuff. More casual places like American Eagle and Garage and stuff. And I picked up a few things. I feel like a lot of the stores had a lot of hype around their sales, but there really wasn't anythings special about them. A few places had 40% off everything, which I thought was a good deal, but most places just had sales on their sale items. I ended up spending over 150 today though, although about half of that was on books. Because yes... I am a bookworm :P

Lastly, I would like to address a situation that ST probably wants to read about... L. So ST and Y have met L and at a point they both wanted me to either become better friends with him or a little more than that. But I'm having issues ever since they mentioned this, cause last year I kind of did have a crush on him. and I put that aside. But I always felt like we had pretty good chemistry, like we play fight and we make fun of one another all the time (well him more than me). But he's kind of like that with everyone I guess, well a little (I know he's like to all the pretty girls at work. And before ST jumps to conclusions: I am not one of the pretty ones). So ya, but there are so many negative aspects, like he parties all the time, he drinks a lot. He smokes pot often. and I find smoking is a huge turn off. But he's also nice to me, in his weird way and he's smart too, he dropped out of school but he is still very knowledgeable. That's another thing! He dropped out of school! He's planning to go back... but I don't know. Maybe ST is right and I just don't want it to go any further than this, maybe cause I'm scared... I don't know. But ti's so annoying cause we were shopping today and every time I saw a nice men's sweater, I though "Hey that would look good on L" and it annoys me... and I don't know why. cause I don't like him!

Anyways it is 1:15 and I have to get some Biology done... yay -.- Wish me luck!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Out of the Funk... ish

Hey guys!

So I've been having a pretty up and down week, well if you guys read my blog regularly you know why. But it's been getting a lot better and I think it's officially over. I am passed my funk, well for everything but midterms :P But yes, I am out of my funk! Just an FYI, I go through mini depression moment a few times a yer, generally when I'm over stressed. So o worries :D

Okay, so after last weekend, I thought my boss would be pissed at me for yelling at him, but he wasn't! So let me start from the beginning. So after last weekends crazy day, I found out that my boss messed up my paycheck, and I sent him a not so nice text saying that he messed it up. And I had a feeling he was really pissed off at me. He was supposed to work with me tonight (last night), so I was thinking of ways I could kind of make up for it, without apologizing, cause I found that I had no reason to. But he calls me and tells me hat he won't be working with me and that he was going to send his brother i law to come work with me. After that call I though he was super pissed at me and just "I don't want to deal with her." But it turns out that I was wrong (or I think). He came in and said hi to us (cause he had to drop off some things we needed for the catering) and when I said hi, he looked at me with this (I have no other way of saying it), guilty face, like a little kid when he knows he did something wrong face. But for all I know it could have been his "I hate you face." But we talked for like 2 seconds and he had to leave for another party. So I think things are going well between us.

And of course, midterms are coming up! And I am stressing, because my first one is Monday and I haven't done anything for it yet... well I have but not enough, I haven't even gone through all the notes yet and I still have to do the practice problems... I am stressing I basically have one ore day to do it all... and my assignment. I hate being a student -.-


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Best Friends

You know you are surrounded by very good friends when they are all willing to drop what they're doing and help you in your time of need.

I've been down in a funk lately and work really hasn't helped especially with Midterms coming up. I worked 23 hours this weekend (not in 3 days in 2!). I was super tired from Saturdays shift and I knew my boss wasn't going to let me go home early on Sunday cause I was the only Operations Manager in, so I had to suck it up and do my 12 hour shift. But as it turns out, by the end of the night, I was the only person left to close all the stores... cause he took the manager with him for a catering job. I was already pissed all day, I was with a girl I didn't like, I was having mood swings all day, and then to close the stores, I had to stay an extra hour and almost a half! I was so pissed cause I worked 13 hour and only got a freaking 20 minute break! 1) that is not legal 2) My boss was a fricking idiot (Yes I told him to his face in a not so nice way) and 3) it's not even moral on his part to make me work this much. At least he had the decency to drive me home. i left a huge mess in one of the stores, but I know he wouldn't say a word to me cause I was so pissed at him. i finished after the buses for Laronde ended and after the last metro. I even swore at a customer, that never EVER happens. It was a horrible day to say the least.

But eve since Thursday I've been feeling stressed and depressed and this really just pushed me of the edge. I just completely broke down today, on the bus! ON THE BUS? Like who does that? Well obviously me. So I got off 8 stops early and called H and we talked until I got home.

I was also on the phone with ST for 2 hours last night talking stuff over.

I'm just glad I have all my close circle of friends supporting me. And it may be selfish of me to say, it's nice to know that they all care about me so much. They put aside what they were doing, studying, preparing for labs, getting ready, anything just to talk to me over the past few days. it truly is amazing.

I know half of them don't read this blog, but thank you to H, ST, W, Y, and AB  for being there for me when I needed them, cause honestly without them, I wouldn't know what to do right now. They support me and are willing to be there for me all the time. And sometimes I feel bad using up all their time when they have other things to do. I love these friends to death.

And as I was writing this, an earthquake hit Montreal. It's like the Earth is moved by my friends too :P

I just hope I can be there for my friends when they need me, just liek how they are always there for me when I need them.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Time to Catch Up

Hey guys!

So I know it hasn't been that long since I've last updated, but I don't really want to study, so I'm here talking (typing) away. So it's officially been a week since school started, and I am loving it! Sure, the classes are a little harder than before, and there is a lot more reading than before, but it is fun, well maybe being in a class with 700 other people make it seem fun. But yup, I've been seeing most of my friends in the past few days, and even caught up with some I forgot about :P I know I'm a wonderful friend.

So I've been hanging out with H the past few days, like for breaks and after classes and stuff. I was scared that I might have lost him as a really good friend, but surprisingly, we've been able to slip into our usual friendship. It's not as awkward as it was last year after I told him how I felt about him, which is really nice cause I was getting tired of tip-toeing around and trying to find things to say that didn't make our conversations awkward, but we just had a conversation where I was talking about come cute co-workers and it didn't feel awkward (at least on my end). I'm really glad that our friendship seems to not be at a standstill cause I would seriously miss him a little too much. It's nice to have him round and just hear him mumble about anything, and to get into our usual banter about nothing and everything. I no longer get an increased heart rate when seeing him, and I no longer feel nervous around him, so now it's like we truly are best friends.

I've also been spending a lot of time with ST, and Y. I have to say I am so happy that all my friends get along with one another, now I know some of you are like, but you're all friends, shouldn't you all get along anyways? The thing is these are all friends that I've met separately throughout the last few years. So I'm glad that my different friendships can function as one huge one :).

Now there is one person that I've caught up with just today actually, that I kinda forgot about... well not forgot about, but just never got around to texting or calling, well to be fair, he hasn't tried to contact me either. So we're even on that front. I've started talking to SB again. Y asked H about him today and I was like oh ya! SB is still around. H was like you know "SB says that you don't love him anymore and you just ignore him," so I'm like might as well text him. He's still usual SB, calling me son and acting like my mom and being, well weird... Not that i have any normal friends anyways. But yupp it was fun chatting with him after the whole summer.

Other than that I'm just slacking off most of my school work, Instead of reading and writing my own notes at home, I've been hanging out with Y after school, going bubble tea and shopping all the time. I'm also going to try to stick to a weekly work out at my schools athletic complex. Hopefully I'll be able to get fit and loose a few pounds along the way :P and hopefully it will be a good way to channel my stress.

Until next time,

Friday, April 27, 2012

Finals + Summer Plans

Hey guys!

So some of you guys may be wondering what I'm doing blogging, when in reality I should be studying for finals and whatnot. Well, I like to procrastinate as much as possible, and blogging is one of my many procrastination activities. I know I'm lifeless... But all this said, school is getting to be a pain in the a**. So close to finishing, yet so willing to just give it all up now... But I won't there is 2 weeks of school left, then 3 exams, and it's time to say bye bye to CEGEP and hello to University! I am so excited!

But before I can be happy about Uni, I have to worry about 4 more tests, 3 major assignments, 1 essay, 3 quizzes and of course 3 more Finals. But I can muggle through all of this, and hope that I don't have to worry about summer school. But aside from the school work, I don't have much to talk about. You see I have a boring life... Why are you guys even reading this?

So what does someone life myself have planned for the summer? I'll be working most of the time. But I also plan on going to LaRonde with some friends. For those of you who don't like in MTL, it's the only amusement park available around here. I also plan to go check out the Star Wars exhibition at the Montreal Science Center, have a barbecue with my friends, go biking when I have time (with my brothers of my friends), reading like the bookworm I am, shop for a new wardrobe for Uni, get a haircut, get some highlights, and of course take a girls trip to NYC! I'm hoping all this happens because I want to enjoy some free and fun times before university starts and I go crazy.

I also want to take this time to tell you guy to treat others the way you want to be treated. Now I know people always say this, but seriously do it. You may think you're being okay to someone just because they don't speak up, but that doesn't mean they don't have feelings. One day they will snap and you will regret being so mean to them all along. This story is for another time though.

So until then, remember to smile at yourself in the mirror every morning, because being loved begins with oneself.
