Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again

So yup, it's that time of year again... You got it FINALS! (yay -.-)

So I've been super busy catching up in all my courses, that I somehow let myself fall behind in. Yes all of them... I have no idea how that happened, well yes I do, I blame work (when I was employed), friends (so distracting), laziness, having a social life, work friends...Well you get it the list goes on. But ya, I am somehow lucky enough to have six finals my first semester of Uni. I am just that bright to take a more than average course load for my program first semester.

So was broken down to:
-Finished school on the 5th
-Exam 1 on the 6th
-Exam 2 on the 7th
-Exam 3 & 4 on the 11th
-Exam 5 on the 14th
-Exam 6 on the 19th

So yes, I am more than half way through and I am slowly turning to a zombie. So yes, I am aware that it is almost one in the morning and no, I am not studying. I needed a break from my finals today. So I haven't done anything since I got home. Well, except eat and sleep and now blogging :)

I've noticed that I haven't really posted anything in a while, so I decided, since I am doing nothing why not update you guys? But there isn't much to tells since all I'm doing is studying, sipping tea and going crazy. After my last final though, I will post about the do's and don't's of studying that work for me, well I'm hoping I will, but from the sounds of it, it might be boring.

So for all of you out there who are in school: STUDY YOUR ASS OFF! Unless you're done school, then I kind of hate you right now :P

Until next time,

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