Friday, April 27, 2012

Finals + Summer Plans

Hey guys!

So some of you guys may be wondering what I'm doing blogging, when in reality I should be studying for finals and whatnot. Well, I like to procrastinate as much as possible, and blogging is one of my many procrastination activities. I know I'm lifeless... But all this said, school is getting to be a pain in the a**. So close to finishing, yet so willing to just give it all up now... But I won't there is 2 weeks of school left, then 3 exams, and it's time to say bye bye to CEGEP and hello to University! I am so excited!

But before I can be happy about Uni, I have to worry about 4 more tests, 3 major assignments, 1 essay, 3 quizzes and of course 3 more Finals. But I can muggle through all of this, and hope that I don't have to worry about summer school. But aside from the school work, I don't have much to talk about. You see I have a boring life... Why are you guys even reading this?

So what does someone life myself have planned for the summer? I'll be working most of the time. But I also plan on going to LaRonde with some friends. For those of you who don't like in MTL, it's the only amusement park available around here. I also plan to go check out the Star Wars exhibition at the Montreal Science Center, have a barbecue with my friends, go biking when I have time (with my brothers of my friends), reading like the bookworm I am, shop for a new wardrobe for Uni, get a haircut, get some highlights, and of course take a girls trip to NYC! I'm hoping all this happens because I want to enjoy some free and fun times before university starts and I go crazy.

I also want to take this time to tell you guy to treat others the way you want to be treated. Now I know people always say this, but seriously do it. You may think you're being okay to someone just because they don't speak up, but that doesn't mean they don't have feelings. One day they will snap and you will regret being so mean to them all along. This story is for another time though.

So until then, remember to smile at yourself in the mirror every morning, because being loved begins with oneself.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nothing Much

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately, but school has been hectic lately. Essays are due left and right, assignments are piling up and I have too many tests to worry about. But once the semester is over,  I guarantee more frequent posts... that is if works doesn't consume all my time... Ohh work. But I did get my brother in :) So now he can stop bumming around the house and do something productive.

But in my life right now, nothing much has been happening. There is still the "bloodbath," ST and I came up with the name for my weekly purell in the face and abuse taking form SB. That still goes on, maybe more than just on Tuesdays now. I'm still talking in H once in a while, and we've gone back to being friends like we were before I confessed. ST is starting to scare me, just a little (if you are reading this, know that I am kidding!). Recently got a text form AB and wondering if I should reply or not... And I've been getting to know KC better, although he's not going to be in two by the time next semester comes around :( But it's been really nice getting to know him more, especially since we've known each other for a year, but never really talked.

And since I have nothing else to write, here are things I've put up on my menu to be making the in the next couple of weeks:
  • Brownies
  • Red Velvet Cupcakes
  • Seafood White Spring Rolls
  • Sushi
  • Strawberry Cheesecake
  • Seafood Pasta
  • Tiramisu
Yummy right?

Well, until next time, enjoy your end of the semesters/school years and remember to stop and just look up at the sky once in a while.


Friday, April 6, 2012

All Smiles and Laughs

Hey guys!

I know it's been a little while since I've updated, but I don't really have much to say. I'm not sad or anything anymore. I've been healing slowly, and H and I are still friends and we still talk, and seeing him around is honestly not as hard as I thought it would be. It actually feels like before, not awkwardness, so sad faces, it's just like before. But other than that, I don't have much to say. Ohh I've been getting hugs from ST! That was for her amusement, if she's every going to read this post :P.

But aside form that nothing much, the only other thing that would count as exciting is getting my face purelled and getting sprayed with Axe by SB.

So bye for now!