Saturday, August 25, 2012

So according to...

So according to some of the people at work I've matured a lot in the past year, and I wanted to know in what way I've become more mature. So I decided to ask this guy, MD. Well not so much ask as say: "So G (the guy who commented on this originally) said 'In the nicest way possible, you've matured a lot over the past year.'" MD responded "to be honest, you have," he went on to say other things along with saying that I've become more confident in myself. He said it's not that I wasn't confident last year, but he said that last year, I gave more of a follower vibe whereas this year I'm a leader. In his words "You've become a boss." He says he doesn't know if it's just because I've changed cause of school, or because of my promotion, but I've really gained a lot of confidence in myself and I look like I know what I'm doing. I'm not longer the "new" person around. And yes, we joked about how a promotion could change a person over night, like "BAM! I got a promotion, I must be more confident!" Work is not all serious around here.

But it's really nice to hear from other people that I've become more confident in myself, cause I'm not able to tell, I mean, I'm with myself all the time, so I'm not able to see the transitions that I go through day to day, and my close friends don't notice either, because they spend a lot of time with me. MD and G can tell because we haven't seen each other in a year, so they can see in a sense, the "old" me and the "new" me. And it's nice to know that these two people whose opinion I trust think that I've become a better version of myself.

Hope I can keep working on my self confidence over the next year :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Mature and Immature at Work

Hey guys!

So this is just going to be a random post where I think some things out. Mostly cause this guy told me today that I'm "matured a lot in a year." He then further explained that it's not like he was saying that I was a super immature brat last year. He says I've mature in a good way. He also says that I seem to be working harder this year, when in reality, I've sorta been slacking off this year. I've been doing less and less, and as the season progressed, I'm getting better at telling other people to do my work. Yes, I'm getting lazy :P

But ya, I don't understand what he means by I've matured, if anything, I would say that I've become less mature. I go around making random noises and act like a five year old half the time, how the hell is that mature? But I guess he means in a way where I'm not as dependent on others when it comes to working, or that I act less childish? Totally impossible though... This is what he said "I mean this in the nicest way possible, you've matured a lot in a year" I know he meant it in a very nice way, but I'm just curious, in what ways have I matured? Tell me if you guy now, cause I seriously don't. All I know is that I've become weirder the past year.

Also, R is back at work!! He's working on Sunday, unfortunately, I won't be seeing him, as he's only back to take my shift. The thing is, my boss reserved a shift just fr me, knowing that I wouldn't be able to work, but hoping that if he asked, I would be able to... But I still couldn't so he found R to replace me :) My boss told me today that he was going to take the then empty shift. Speaking about my boss, I seriously feel like sometimes, he's too chill to be my boss. Today he asked me to take a picture with all the remaining Asians at work so he can post it on our website. We started off the season as 7 Asians, then made out way up to 9, then slowly we have been dropping in numbers, we are now down to about 6 full timers and a few here and theres. He told me to take a picture with the 3 others that were working today and then asked me about the rest of the Asians, that he hired! But I have to admit, one of the highlights of the summer was the amount of Asians we are at work compared to every other year, we even outnumber the Italians we have this year :P

And does it ever happen to you guys that you're sitting all alone and you think of something and it makes you laugh? Well tonight it's happening to me, when we were taking out all Asian picture, my boss wanted us all to be serious faced, so we tried, but we all kept laughing, then we finally all had a serious face and WL started laughing right behind me, and we ll broke into a laugh, but just remembering the way he laughed is making me laugh too. And so does thing thing one of my bosses said which was very mean, but she was talking about one of the new workers (that does not work efficiently) she said, and I heard this second hand, "If you look up the word useless in the dictionary, you would see this kids face smiling up at you." I know it's mean for her to say and for me to laugh at, but I don't know why, but when ever I think about it I just crack up every time.

That's about it for this post, which I now realize is very work orientated on my part...

Until next time,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

She's Back & a Busy Schedule

Hey guys!

So guess what! ST is back, yes you heard me right, she is back, well to be fair I don't remember if I told you guys that she was out of town... I think I did, but I really don't remember. But she is back! And that's all that matters! I missed her so much, I've spent a month not seeing her. When I got her text message, I stood in the freezer at work just to reply to her text. Yes I'm super excited that she is back, and I'm even willing to wake up early to see her tomorrow, and yes, I am aware that for that to happen, I should be in bed by now, but, bad sleeping habits die hard.

And I know I've been posting regularly and now all of a sudden I just stopped posting for a while, but to be honest nothing much is going on in my life at the moment. I'll let you guys in on a secret (if you haven't already figured it out), my life is super boring. Well there you have it, there is my secret.

Basically, I'm getting geared up for orientation wee at school. I have a bunch of events lined up, along with work (luckily LaRonde is closed for the week) so I have a little more time to organize events into. I have events for every day next week, of course not all are linked to school. I have a friend coming form Vancouver to visit, and I have to, absolutely have to see her cause I didn't have time to last year. I have to see ST, I have the organized events with school, I have work (what else is new, although only during the weekend) and I have a BBQ with some of my co-workers. It's a jam packed week and the fact that it's labour day weekend that weekend does not help me one bit. But I'm hoping everything is going to work out, fingers crossed.

And before you ask, or before you think I forgot, I'm going to state now that I'm not going to be going to my FROSH. For those who don't know what FROSH is, it's orientation week sure, but what most people know it as is a week long party where freshmen get to know one another and party and get drunk. I unfortunately will not be attending because a) it's $135 (yes, I'm cheap), b) LABOUR DAY weekend = work (I know what you're thinking, but let me tell you now, my boss isn't that old and he isn't stupid either, he knows about FROSH) c) I'm not into alcohol and partying d) one of the days is at LaRonde and frankly, anytime I'm there even for fun, it feels like work. So you can say I'll regret not going all you want, but I don't think I will.

Until next time! I simply need sleep, I need a decent face to see ST tomorrow morning, and I need a pretty face for the birthday party I'm going to tomorrow as well. Wish me luck on my tight schedule next week. Boy problems will be on another post because I am simply too tired for my own good.


p.s. Tell me if you guys went/ are going to your FROSH.

Monday, August 13, 2012

NYC Trip

Hey guys!

So I just got back from my NYC trip. It was a fun 3 days, but boy, did that break my wallet... We spent 3 days in NYC, and now the spending limit is $800 as opposed to $400, and boy I am glad that limit went up! I spent almost $600 the last 3 days.

So let me tell you guys how the 3 days went.

Day 1:
Basically slept for an hour, since many of you know, I went to the MSO concert. Got up at 3:30AM to get ready to leave for the trip (thank God packing was done ahead). Got to the bus at 5AM, and spent 12 (yes 12!) hours on the bus, because we spent over 2 hours at the boarder and got into NYC right at rush hour... It took us an hour to get through the Lincoln Tunnel -.- Not the best way to spend a day after an hour of sleep. When we got into town, we just had enough time to go to the M&M World and Hershey's Times Square before we had to head to our hotel.

Day 2:
Spent 13 hours in New York City just walking around and of course shopping :) (I'll list my haul after i tell you guys what we did during the trip) We started off on Wall and Broadway, and walked all the way to Union Square. Now on a map it looks super far, but the walk really isn't that bad, according to Google Maps, we can walk the distance is about 45 minutes, But we took about 6 hours, why? Because we were busy shopping around. The walk is a 2.3 mi (3.7 km). We stopped my a lot of stores on the way and not to mention we had to wait for stores to open.

We went to this amazing bookstore called Strand on Broadway and 12th street. OMG this place was huge, with books going almost to the ceiling, I could honestly live there. The books they sell are used, new or rare books, and the prices there as just amazing.

When we got to Union Square we had lunch (well snack/lunch) at SeoulFood, an Korean/Mexican food truck. It was delicious, I thought it would be weird, SB once recommended it to me and I told him it sounded weird, but it was amazing, it may sound weird, but these people know what they're doing. For $10 it was totally worth it and really filling.

After eating, we decided to take our chances with the New York Subway, that was fun cause we got on the wrong tracks, then ended up having to ask a local, their Subways are quite different form the Montreal ones, they are a little less of a smooth ride, they skip stops, and a million subways pass on the same track, how are tourists supposed to find their way around?! We got off at 34th to go check out the Macy's then from there on, it was just taking our time walking to Times Square. We ended up at the back door to the Theater where they were producing the Broadway show Marry Poppins and got to see the actress in full costume since she stepped out for 2 seconds before going back into the theater after seeing us!

Day 3:
Went to Woodburry Premium Outlets and shopped like a mad person. Went to just about 6 stores and I honestly have to say, I have no idea how money flies to fast... We got back into town in about 7 hours, which was such a relief after the 12 hours it took us to get there!

Now for a list of everything I bought on the trip:
  • Hershey's Chocolate World chocolate pack (4 different flavored bars)
  • M&M keychain
  • M&Ms from the Wall on the M&M store
  • Nail Polish (Essie, O.P.I., Prevail)
  • Lip Gloss (Wet n' Wild) although I really want a Clinique one, but the Sephora we went to ran out
  • 2 dresses from H&M
  • Kate Spade earrings (little gold bow shaped ones)
  • 5 books from Strand
  • A travel mug for loose tea leaves (I've been looking for this for a few months now)
  • 2 pairs of Converse (one for me, one for my brother)
  • 2 pairs of running shoes from Adidas (one for me, one for my other brother)
  • 2 pairs of Adidas flip flops (one for me, one for my mom)
  • A pair of Levis jeans
  • A Nemo head Cushion for the bus ride home
  • A Perry the Platypus t-shirt
  • A Mickey & Minnie Hoddie
  • A bottle of Lovestuck by Vera Wang
All this plus, W and AB's birthday presents! I still spent a lot of money though, there goes my next paycheck... All in all, it was an amazing trip and I would do it again, although this time, I would get all the heavy stuff later in the day instead of bringing everything around and not feeling out arms later in the day.

Until next time, cause I am in serious need for some sleep :P


Friday, August 10, 2012


Hey guys!

So for those of you who live in Montreal, you know hat the MSO is, or should. if you don't it's the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. Some other cities around Canada (that I know of) also have local orchestra.

The MSO had a free concert with conductor Kent Nagano at the Olympic Stadium on the 9th, so technically last night. I went because I've always wanted to go to one of their concerts but wasn't sure if I was into classical music and wasn't going to pay 50$ for something I might end up hating it. So this was a perfect chance to go see them perform, and boy did I love them, they were supposed to play 3 pieces:1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky, Respighi’s Pines of Rome, along with a piece with Japanese Drums (taiko). We were thousands of people, packed outdoors in the rain listening to this concert, and I know it's no Rock or R&B concert with a million screaming people, but I'm glad this was my first concert. It was a beautiful experience, in my opinion, probably better than a million screaming sweaty bodies stuck together. Although I could have gone without the rain.

They started off by playing the Tchaikovsky piece (which included some pyrotechnics, which was really unexpected), then they played the piece with the taiko with Japanese master Eitetsu Hayashi. That piece was my favorite because I felt like it was very moving, the drums made it very interesting, and the strings from the orchestra made it more alive in a sense. Eitetsu Hayashi ended up playing an encore piece, a solo piece without the orchestra. After that, they played the Respighi piece, this piece has some special guest, including a nine year old violinist and the military orchestra who played wind instruments. After this piece, the orchestra played an encore piece. I don't know what the last one was called though. So we were promised 3 pieces, but got 5! What a treat that was for my MSO and first concert.

I'm definitely willing to pay for my next MSO concert, especially if it's indoors and I can sit  :P

So that's all I have to tonight, my next post will be after my New York trip, so hopefully I have soemthing to talk about when I get back :)


Monday, August 6, 2012

Longer Summer & Trying to Forget

Hey guys!

So summer is coming to an end, I counted the days in my last post, but if you are counting down for me (cause I'm not :P) Add one more day to that countdown, because I don't have school on the Provincial election day! The first day of school has been moved back. Aside from that exciting news, I finished book 14, working on 15, although I've taken a few days break from books (I have no idea why). But I'm getting through my list :)

I've also been trying to let people go lately, like old friends that make me upset when I think about them. I mean we always think about people that used to be in our lives, but it doesn't always hurt to think about them. I need to get to that point with some people. I've gotten there with BF, but it's harder with other people, not don't get me wrong, I have other people in that category too, but the one person I have to stop thinking about and allowing to ruin my day is H. I keep telling myself and you guys sometimes, that I'm over him, but the thing is I'm not. And the other night when I was talking to O I was sure that there was no way I was over H. Now I know sometimes I make it sound like we dates, but we never did, we were just two super close friends. But talking to O kind of brought back all the things I was trying to ignore, whether on purpose or not, I've been trying to tell myself that I never liked him, that it was just a brotherly love of some sort, but the thing is, it wasn't I liked him. And the thing that makes it worse is that I liked him like I liked U, it's hard to explain, other than that U was the first guy I ever liked, and like people say, your first love is the deepest. But I still can't think of H without it making me feel like shit. I stopped carrying the presents he gave me around, which I thought would help, but instead I find myself unconsciously looking for them during the day. It's just hard, and the thing is I thought the summer would help me get over it, and that maybe I'll find someone to like at work... but the thing is... I can't get over him. He's been to present in my life for the past year and too involved in my life. And everyone knows that we were super close and that we always talked, so they keep asking how he is... and that really doesn't help. It's to the point where I don't know if I can't wait to see him at school or I never ever wanna see him again. And it doesn't help that he's MIA all summer either. It makes me feel like he just doesn't care enough to see how I (or anyone else for that matter) is doing.

Plus it's not like there aren't nay guys that peek my interest, you guys know that for a fact, I've already talked about L and F and T (who is no longer around). There's another kinda cute guy at work, but I don't like him, he's nice an all, but not a person I would have a crush on. Then there is one other guy that I haven't talked about yet, I'll call him WL, he's really nice, and we always tease each other at work, and he always tries to one up me or make me pissed (in a good way). Like if I want him to kill a spider, he would purposely try to let it live to annoy me. He's also always smiling around me (he's kinda shy, which is kinda cute), and he would always argue with me about things until I lose the argument. And every time I beat him he would bring up how he wins more often. He's a really nice guy, and smart (from what I know anyways). So why can't I be into him (a little more than I am) instead of thinking about H all the time? My life would be so much easier!

And one last note I hate people who cannot stop bragging about their accomplishments, I have a coworker who started going out with the guy I liked last year, and she won't stop bringing it up! She's always like "Remember when you liked him", "You think he's cute don't you?", or she would be telling other workers "Ohh, did you know she liked him last year?". It's like OMG get over it, I no longer have a crush on your boyfriend! It's not that big of an accomplishment, especially since we never actually fought over the guy, if you want to make others not like me, just tell them I'm a bitch -.-

Anyways, enough venting for one night. Until next time, remember to smile at yourself in the mirror!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Reading List Progress

Hey guys!

So as many of you know, I'm trying to get through a summer reading list. I gave you guys the list a little while ago in an other post (x). I decided to let you guys know what I've read so far and what I have left to read. Now not all the books on the list are mind blowing book that you have to read, cause I have to admit, a lot of them are stupid little teenage girl books.

I'm going to divide the list into Read, Currently Reading and Not Read. The books aren't in a particular order, just listing them off as I remember them.

  1. Looking for Alaska by John Green
  2. Game of Thrones  by George R.R. Martin
  3. Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson
  4. Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James
  5. Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James
  6. Fifty Shades of Freed by E.L. James
  7. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin*
  8. Prom and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg
  9. Micro by Micheal Crichton
  10. Paper Towns by John Green
  11. Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan*
  12. An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
  13. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld*
Currently Reading:
  1.  The Stefan Diaries: Asylum by L.J. Smith, Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
  2. Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
 Not Read:
  1. Num8ers by Rachel Ward
  2. Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink
  3. The Vampire Diaries: Hunters: Moonsong by L.J. Smith
  4. The Stefan Diaries: The Completed by L.J. Smith, Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
  5. Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
  6. Need by Carrie Jones
  7. Captive by Carrie Jones
  8. In the Club by Antonio Pagliarulo
  9. Switch by Carol Snow
  10. Divergent Series by Veronica Roth
  11. Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
  12. Specials by Scott Westerfeld
  13. Extras  by Scott Westerfeld
*The books I recommend 
Unfortunately, I know I won't be able to the end of my little list by the end of this summer. so it may have to wait until Christmas break because I don't like to read during the school year as it creates a huge distraction for me. Hopefully I'll get through maybe 5 more books before school starts which is in 32 days! Can you believer it? 32 more days of summer left! I feel like summer has just started and now it's over... Where has all the time gone? (The days may change depending on where you are and what school your going to)

Enjoy what's left of your summer!