Sunday, September 9, 2012

University & the End of Summer

Hey Guys!

So University has started, and I am excited! I know it's going to be a challenge, but it's one I'm looking forward to. This year I'll also be working part time the whole school year (well hopefully the whole school year).

The first week of university is already over and it's not as hard as I thought it would be, it's somewhat like CEGEP (for now anyways), and the one big difference is that being at Mcgill means that I have to hike from Sherbrooke to Pine all the time, and I'm an idiot that only gives myself 10 minutes to get up for my next class... Yes, winter will be wonderful. The other difference is that there is over 750 students in each of my classes. As my friends say: "It's just like in the movies!" The work in some of my classes is somewhat similar to CEGEP work, so I could kind of take it easy for now, as long as I don't fall behind.

I have classes with a lot of old friends this semester too, I have classes with W, ST, H, Y and MK. I'm not sure if there's anyone else, but they are the people that I think of off the top of my head. I've also made a few new friends, well one that I talk to everyday so far. I've mostly been hanging out with W, ST, Y, and a friend I will now name LI. I've known LI for about a semester now cause we had a few classes together in CEGEP

I don't really have anything super exciting to share, cause nothing much has happened yet. It's always the usual: school, work, reading... nothing much has changed.

Ohh and this summer, I have read a total of 19 books! I'm on book 20 right now, and hopefully be done by next weekend, that will be cheating on my goal of 20 books for the summer, but I'm not ready to just dive into my school textbooks just yet. Yes I'm aware of my nerdiness, and I am proud to say that I read so much over one summer, all while working 35-50 hours a week. It has been a total of 19 books which is 7300 pages in total. Some of the books on my list will have to wait until Christmas break and I'm not going to buy anymore books until I'm done with the books I really want to read, and there is still a few left on my list of yet to reads.

Also, for those who live in Quebec, I'm sure you know that The Parti Quebecois won the last provincial elections, and let me just say, Thank God it's a minority win, cause we would not be able to handle a majority one. Marois (party leader) claims that she wants to stop the tuition hikes (which will stop the striking students), abolish Bill78 (which is the law that doesn't allow you to wear a mask while protesting) and of course she is a sovereigntist, so she is pushing for a referendum, and for big companies such as Tim Hortons and McDonalds to have more french names. Now she may be in power, making you think that she has a lot of followers, and although she does, a lot of Quebeckers voted for her, just to have someone new be in power, because Charest has been in power for about 9 years. A lot of people in Quebec actually don't support the referendum, I believe only about 30% support the idea. So we are all hoping that the day when we have to decide if Quebec will become it's own country will never come, but we never know. In the mean time, a lot of anglophones are looking for houses in Ontario, or in H's case, preparing for the worst.

Tell me what you guys think of the election result or if you don't live in Quebec, do you think Quebec has anything to offer the world as it's own country?

Until next time, party hard, study hard and laugh even harder :)

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