Monday, November 12, 2012

20 (More) Things about J

Hey guys, so I had a challenge with the last 20 Things about J so I decided to do another one :) Here goes (again):

  1. I love to bake (cookies, brownies, cakes, etc)
  2. I want to learn how to play guitar and the piano
  3. I've held 5 guys hands that I remember of. One of my childhood crush, 2 different Matthew's in the past year (yes I just broke my no name rule on that one), one with a guy at my birthday party last year (we were eating and we just held hands), and one that was with a guy I kind of liked but didn't.
  4. I know how to knit, but just basic stuff
  5. I taught myself how to swim (I'm not good at it, if you pushed me into a deep pool, I would probably drown)
  6. I'm a huge pessimist, although I hate it and try not to be
  7. My favorite part of my body are my lips, then it would be my eyes
  8. I currently have 5 best friends (W, ST, Y, BB and H)
  9. If I could be anything in life, I would want to be an actress
  10. I feel like I've gotten a lot more confident over the past year (I'm still a push over though :P but it's getting better)
  11. I've cried in front of a teacher (thankfully he was a social worker too, so he didn't make it awkward for me, well anymore awkward than it already was)
  12. I've had a crush on 10 guys (4 of them were blond with blue eyes)
  13. I talk about work way to much, and hang out around work to much too
  14. If I could live anywhere in the world it would probably be New York (in a city girl)
  15. My dream house would include a bay window (so I can sit there and read), and a pool in the backyard
  16. I wish I could get someone to let me decorate their house completely to my design
  17. I will almost never admit it, but I love hugging AA, he makes me feel safe and stress free for some reason
  18. my favorite food is seaweed (on sushi or roasted or in soup or in salad)
  19. My favorite cartoon character is Pikachu
  20. I love to sing and dance (but I'm not good at either)
Another 20 things about me completed! This one was a little trickier to finish, I had to think about a lot of these :) But I did it! So now you know 40 things about me total.


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