Showing posts with label orientation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orientation. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

She's Back & a Busy Schedule

Hey guys!

So guess what! ST is back, yes you heard me right, she is back, well to be fair I don't remember if I told you guys that she was out of town... I think I did, but I really don't remember. But she is back! And that's all that matters! I missed her so much, I've spent a month not seeing her. When I got her text message, I stood in the freezer at work just to reply to her text. Yes I'm super excited that she is back, and I'm even willing to wake up early to see her tomorrow, and yes, I am aware that for that to happen, I should be in bed by now, but, bad sleeping habits die hard.

And I know I've been posting regularly and now all of a sudden I just stopped posting for a while, but to be honest nothing much is going on in my life at the moment. I'll let you guys in on a secret (if you haven't already figured it out), my life is super boring. Well there you have it, there is my secret.

Basically, I'm getting geared up for orientation wee at school. I have a bunch of events lined up, along with work (luckily LaRonde is closed for the week) so I have a little more time to organize events into. I have events for every day next week, of course not all are linked to school. I have a friend coming form Vancouver to visit, and I have to, absolutely have to see her cause I didn't have time to last year. I have to see ST, I have the organized events with school, I have work (what else is new, although only during the weekend) and I have a BBQ with some of my co-workers. It's a jam packed week and the fact that it's labour day weekend that weekend does not help me one bit. But I'm hoping everything is going to work out, fingers crossed.

And before you ask, or before you think I forgot, I'm going to state now that I'm not going to be going to my FROSH. For those who don't know what FROSH is, it's orientation week sure, but what most people know it as is a week long party where freshmen get to know one another and party and get drunk. I unfortunately will not be attending because a) it's $135 (yes, I'm cheap), b) LABOUR DAY weekend = work (I know what you're thinking, but let me tell you now, my boss isn't that old and he isn't stupid either, he knows about FROSH) c) I'm not into alcohol and partying d) one of the days is at LaRonde and frankly, anytime I'm there even for fun, it feels like work. So you can say I'll regret not going all you want, but I don't think I will.

Until next time! I simply need sleep, I need a decent face to see ST tomorrow morning, and I need a pretty face for the birthday party I'm going to tomorrow as well. Wish me luck on my tight schedule next week. Boy problems will be on another post because I am simply too tired for my own good.


p.s. Tell me if you guys went/ are going to your FROSH.