Okay, so remember when I told you guys I had a dream about me and L? And we were dating, and dancing or what not, and I said it was totally bonkers? Well, I'm starting to think maybe not...
So I've recently realized that I might not like him like him, but I definitely have some attraction towards him. It's not so much that I want to date him, but I don't know, just be around him? I know what some of you are thinking, but he is not a guy I would date. I just know he's not, it's a gut feeling. But I do feel something, which is strange...
On the other hand T just had his official last day, so that means no more T, I'm never going to see him again, because of the fact that we both go to different schools... Ohh life. I'll miss his little cluelessness and his laugh, such an adorable laugh.
Other than that, my NYC trip is going to happen! So excited! Can't wait to be off before Uni starts! It's going to be a 3 day trip with 2 of my friends, yes a bunch couldn't come cause of personal reasons, but I'm not going to let that be a bummer. I shall enjoy this trip no matter what! And of course shop! Sigh, there goes all the money I made this summer :P But hopefully it'll be worth it and hopefully I might have something to talk about when I get back! Can't wait to get some major shopping done and just get time away from work and just enjoy a few days on my own. Plus the night before I leave, there is a free, yes FREE, MSO concert at the Olympic stadium. I've always wanted to go see one of their shows and I'm not willing to pay 50$ for a concert that I might not end up liking, so this is going to be a test run to see if I'll like it or not. I feel like a free concert for something I've wanted to see for a good 4 years now is a good way to start off my mini vacation before school starts and reality sets in.
And I'm on my 13th book for the summer! Yes, 13! I'm a nerd, that I shall admit. But I am very proud of myself, although the books aren't super hard to read English classics, I'm still doing very well, maybe on the last post of the summer I'll add up all the pages I have read and impress you guys :P Probably won't do that great of a job, but meh, a girl can try.
I'm also trying to squeeze as many activities in for the rest of the summer as possible, so I'm making plans to meet up for lunch or supper or ways to spend the day, cause to be honest, I might not be friends with some of the friends i have right now for longer, with us going to different Universities in different programs and for some, even in different provinces... It may be time to say bye to some friends, so I will cherish what ever time we have left together.
Well, feel free to tell me what you think of my summer plans, my bookwormness or just say hi :)