Sunday, September 30, 2012

Night Thoughts

Hey guys!

So tonight, I had my shortest shift ever! It was only 3 hours long! Yup, before this my shortest shift was 5 hours. All I did was a catering job for a party, so I didn't even have to do much, just show up, set up, serve, clean and leave. And the best part, was I spent a few hours doing nothing but texting and talking to my boss about nonsense. Not to mention that I got to eat the most delicious cookies EVER! They were amazing.

I also got into a fight, well ish, with W, she's mad at me for a prank I pulled on her. But I'm oping we can go back to being best friends, cause I'm s close to her, it feels weird to talking to her. Hopefully she'll forgive me eventually, cause I miss her like crazy :(

You know how people say that bet friends can always fight, butt hen they become friends again super quickly? Well, as much as I want to believe that, I don't think that's always true, I lost a lot of friends through fights, but I;m seriously hoping W isn't one of them...

Anyways, I am tired and need my beauty rest, until next time. And I also hope you guys are getting enough sleep, cause nothing feels better than a whole good nights sleep. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

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