Friday, June 29, 2012

In Need of R&R

So tired... I've been working the past few days and I am tired from that, well more like my feet are soar, but then today I decide to spend the whole day in wedges. Smart choice? Not so  much, cause now my feet really really hurt me :( But as I type, and you perhaps read, I am preparing a tub of water to soak my feet in. Hopefully they come out feeling amazing.

Aside from that, I haven't been up to much, granted it hasn't been that long since I last updated. Just worked and had a lunch date with my friends today. So that was fun. Also cause it's one of the only times I get to go out with my friends.

I have finished most of my half finished books, so I've finished Micro and Fifty Shades Darker in just have to finish Game of Thrones and I should be able to move ahead with my reading list, next I'll be tackling the John Green books. and I've started the last Fifty Shades book, what is it about this series that makes me want to keep reading it?

I still haven't talked to H, and even though I miss him sometimes, I don't text him, and it's weird, but it feels good to get some distance from him and it even feels comfortable to a certain extent. I know that it might not make sense, but I'm not that bugged by the fact that we haven't talked for such a long time, well okay, the fact that I'm writing this here means I do care, but I don't know, I don't want to text him cause he may not want to talk to me, and if he wanted to talk to me, he would text me no? But W and BB are saying that maybe he's thinking the same thing on his end, maybe he's waiting for me to text. But like the lambda test I was doing a while ago, I guess I'll just have to wait and see if he comes around. Sigh... why do boys have to be so complicated?

Stay cool and enjoy your summer!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Update

Hey guys!

I know, I know, it's been a while, but I've been at work, or catching up to my lack of sleep. But the summer is going by pretty well. I've been working about 4 days a week, hoping to bump that up to 5-6 days actually, and I went to the beach the other day and got sunburned :( Currently healing, ever so slowly and it also left a weird tan on my back because part of my back is tan, and part of it isn't. And no, I'm not stupid enough to cover half my back while tanning, I guess tanning is just not for me.

I've also been able to catch up on some reading, I've finished reading Pride & Prejudice (yes, i read it on my own free will). I've also finished Prom & Prejudice (a short of modern day version where marriage is prom). I started reading the Fifty Shades Trilogy (sorry ST, I just had to see what the hype was about), and I must say, the novel, being based on Twilight fan fiction is pretty good, even with all the BDSM present. It also runs parallel with Twilight, quite a bit. Okay maybe I'm looking to into the similarities, but they do have similar story lines to an extent. I'm currently reading Fifty Shades Darker, about half way through that, and I'm also about half way through a book called Micro by Michael Crichton. Micro is about 7 grad students who go to Hawaii to visit a new research facility and find themselves thrown into the rain forest having nothing to survive with but their knowledge nature. It's a pretty good book and so far, proving to be interesting, from my scientific point of view and my adventure reading point of view. It's a pretty good read and don't let the science intimidate you. I'm also half way through Game of Thrones (also a TV show). I know, I know "J, why can't you read one damned book at a time?" I just read a book, then get tempted by another book and start reading and then try to balance out my reading times for each book. Game of Thrones, although interesting, with it's plot twist and turns is taking a long time for me to read. I've had the book for a good 4 months now and I'm only half way through and I usually love reading Fantasy books, or maybe I lost my interest in them :P But yup, these are the books I'm reading at the moment. and I'm sorry for boring the crap out of you.

But let me get to something a little more interesting, I haven't been talking to H, but I have been texting with a guy, let me call him K a lot recently. I don't like him like him, but it's nice to talk to a guy once in a while :P We text till late in the night and he would text me while I'm at work as well. And I've been working with a cute guy, whom I will call, F. He's cute and super sweet and he's one of the guys at work that don't bully me :P Fingers crossed he's single, maybe? Still not sure if I'm into him or not.

And finally, because O asked for it, I miss you!! :P

Enjoy your summer!

Monday, June 11, 2012

At a Lost

Okay guys, I am in a depressed mood tonight, and I have no idea why? Well I do sort of have an idea why, but I thought I was over this and that I could just sort of forget about it. But no, it just has to come back in the most pain in the ass moments... Especially when all I want to do is be happy and stress free... Guess life just wants me to suffer or something... Cause I'm not a happy camper at the moment.

I have no idea why, but I keep thinking about H, and no matter how much I try to convince myself that I got over him, I don't think I have... sometimes I hate myself for being so attached to people. I wish I could just forget about him and move on. And it's simple right? It's summer, out of sight, out of mind... Well not really. I haven't seen him for 3 weeks now, and he is still not out of mind... To be honest, don't think he'll ever be out of mind. He was like a best friend to me. He was somewhat like a replacement for U, and I really liked him...  And now not seeing him, has in a way made it easier to forget him, but when I miss him, I just miss him so much harder. And I know this is kind of strange, but I kind of do want to break contact with him. Maybe not talking to him at all would make it so much easier for me. Like not having to worry about anything and just start fresh, meet new people in university and get to know people at work. But I know once school starts that he'll be in some of my classes cause we're in the same program and there is only one section for some of our classes, or simply because I'll miss having him around... But I have a feeling we won't be friends anymore anyways, cause I've sort of given up talking to him the past few days, and he doesn't seem to be making an effort to keep in touch, so maybe this is meant to be? I'll meet new people at work and at school, and maybe hopefully, I'll find someone else to crush on, because frankly, this crush is crushing me pretty hard...


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Student Strike

As most of you guys have heard, those in Canada at least. there is a student strike going on in Quebec because the government wants to raise the price of tuition in our province. It's going to go up about $1500 in the next 5 years, and we normally pay about 3000 in tuition. We have the lowest tuition rates in Canada, and it is a lot cheaper than the tuition rates in the States, so a lot of people come to Quebec to study. this raise of $1500 is not that much of a change, we'll still have the lowest tuition rates in Canada. I understand that some of the students will have trouble paying off their tuition when the raise comes, but to be honest, is it really worth messing up your academic school year, ruining your city, getting arrested, and ruining all the events and festivities that out province has to offer?In my opinion no, it isn't. There are better ways to get your point across than to yell at a police officer, block streets, random vandalism and banging your pots and pans in the middle of the night. What you're doing is pissing everyone off, even some of the people who supported your cause at the beginning.

Seriously, the raise comes to about 50 cents a day, most of us do have that 50 cents a day to spare, and those who think they don't think about all the useless things you buy everyday. How much money goes wasted without you being aware of it? I read a comment on CTV news noticed that a lot of the protesters had tattoos and the weren't small ones, if they have $400-1000 to spend on a tattoo, why not use that money on your education instead? And I agree with that idea, not that there is anything wrong with tattoos, but if you have that much money to spend on a tattoo, you should have enough money to pay off your tuition.

What I find ridiculous is that the government offered financial help for the students, like offering more bursaries and scholarships, making loans more accessible, but what do the strikers do? They rejected the proposal. The government offered a solution to your problems, and you reject it. That was a pretty stupid move on the part of the strikers in my opinion,cause if you really needed help, you would have taken it in any form it came in.

I understand the predicament that the students are in, but honestly I don't find what they are doing acceptable, so far, they have stopped Metro lines from working, preventing thousands of people from getting to work, school, ad doctor appointments on time. They have paraded down the streets vandalizing stores, cars and buildings alike. They have been banging pots and pans at 9 at night every night. they have blocked off passage to streets all over downtown. And they are preventing a lot of students who want to go to school from going to school by blocking access to the doors of the school. Seriously enough is enough, this has been going on for more than 3 months, it's about time these students and non students who just like the fact that they can riot to get off the streets and back to school or work or whatever is was that they were doing before.


Okay, so I'm generally not really a huggy person, although I hug more than some of my friends do, but generally those hugs are used to hug/choke W, so does that really count? Maybe not :P And of course let me and now you not forget the 8 hugs given to me by ST. 8 that's a lot!

But kidding aside, I really want a hug right now. Not because I'm sad or having a really bad day or anything, I just really want a hug. I've also noticed that I enjoy the hugs that AA give me :) I have no idea why, but I just do. And before some of you get the idea that I like him, I can say right now that I don't. I've been on that boat already and I have already docked that boat and moved on. This hug craving may be due to the fact that I haven't hugged H for a long time now, ever since I told him how I felt actually. But what can I do, I'll just let things with him play out. I've also been getting half hugs from this guy, let us call him L. We mock fight a lot and then he would make up by giving me a hug, which I always reject :P but once in a while that hug happens. So maybe I'll get hugs from him less often and it'll get H out of my mind, and get my weird wanting of AA hugs...


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rainy Day

Hey guys,

I'm officially on break, and I'm already out everyday. I've been shopping, going out for lunch, hanging out, having a few drinks, volunteering. Luckily my shift was cancelled today so I can lounge around at home an get to those books I listed in my last post. I should also mention that it's raining like a crazy person here. Ohh Montreal and your sudden love of rain. But I don't mind, this means I can stay in bed, light a candle and read all day long. But this continued rain is starting to put a damper on things, I've had to cancel a few plans already cause of this weather. But all we can hope for is a better few weeks to come, with no more flooding :P

But I'm debating if I should go through with the graduation presents I had planned for everyone, every time I'm about to get to it, something tells me it's a lame present... I won't mention what it is, because some of the gift recipient read this blog from time to time and I want them to be surprised by the present, if I ever end up giving it that it.

I know my recent posts aren't like the first posts I started this blog with, but I really have nothing to write about. Sorry for those whom I have deceived into thinking I had a cool life. Sad reality, I have no life :P

Hoping my next post will be more interesting,

Friday, June 1, 2012

Book List

So because someone asked me, here is my list of books to read.
  1. Looking for Alaska by John Green
  2. Game of Thrones  by George R.R. Martin (Series or just the one, not sure yet)
  3. Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson
  4. Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard (Series or just the one book I'm not sure yet)
  5. Num8ers by Rachel Ward
  6. Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink
  7. Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy by E.L. James
  8. The Vampire Diaries: Hunters: Moonsong by L.J. Smith
  9. The Stefan Diaries: Asylum by L.J. Smith, Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
  10. The Stefan Diaries: The Completed by L.J. Smith, Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
  11. Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
  12. Need by Carrie Jones
  13. Captive by Carrie Jones
  14. In the Club by Antonio Pagliarulo
  15. Switch by Carol Snow
  16. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin
  17. Prom and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg
  18. Micro by Micheal Crichton
  19. Divergent Series by Veronica Roth
  20. Paper Towns by John Green
  21. Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green
  22. An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
Looking for Alaska is crossed out because I finished it so one down, about 21 more to go :)

As you may have noticed I have quite a few John Green books, curse you ST!!! She got me into his books and vlog :P For those interested I recommend The Fault in Our Stars also by John Green, it's an amazing book.

Tell me ig there are any books you want me to check out :)
