Sunday, September 23, 2012

So Tired...

Hey guys,

So yesterday was my first 16 hour shift EVER! and I am dead tired... We had a huge order at work yesterday. Making 13000 pastries for the order. I was supposed to work 1-11, then it got changed to 11:30-11 which isn't that bad, a normal double shift for me. Then my boss asked me to go in for 9:30... I said no, but ended up going in for 10 anyways.

We started off my making about 2000 Beavertails in 2 hours, then we started serving out guests. They day itself was really nice cause I got to work with MD and G, so we were just fooling around all day, my boss even caught me making a dough man on the job :P.

Then at 10, my boss calls me to see if I wanted to do a catering job at a wedding. Cause yes, Beavertails caters now, but only in Montreal. So I ended up going to a hall to serve Beavertails. So we leave to go to the catering, and I didn't have the "right" official Beavertails uniform on, so my boss made me wear his shirt. It's really funny, cause my co-worker was like "Umm J, we usually wear our boyfriends shirts... Not our bosses..." That was funny and we laughed pretty hard about that. Ohh work seriously doesn't feel like work most of the time. I ended up getting home around 2 in the morning yesterday... so a 10AM-2AM shift :) What a joy, well to some degree it was.

Well that's all I wanted to tell you guys about :)
Until next time!

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