Monday, January 30, 2012

What is a Girl to Do?

What is a girl supposed to do when the guy she likes asks her who she likes? Obvious answer may be to tell him who you really do like, right? Or is it to play it cool and pretend it's someone else?  Well regardless of what a girl is to do, it's an awkward situation to be stuck in. It's not something most people like to be in, because a) it makes you wonder why they're asking, b) if you're not ready to tell, you have no way of replying properly, and c) that means they think they know who you have a crush on. All of these situations might play together, or maybe one of them applies to you, but I can tell you from experience, it's not easy to get out of if you don't have the guts to tell they guy how you feel about them.

You see this is what happens to me, I get into really deep conversations with H, and these conversations always make me think really hard on how he might feel about me. Cause he may compliment me on a lot of things and he might bring my mood up, and occasionally flirt with me, but that's only my side of the story. I have NO idea how he might actually feel about me. I'm going on guesses and feelings and hope. If you've been reading all of my posts, you know that I like H and that we have our little moments at times, but last night we were talking about our celebrity crushes, and when I named Patrick Chan, he instantly thought about AA, and he told me that there are figure skaters in our school and that I don't have to think about someone I don't know. This bothered me, so I replied "He's not my type," and oddly enough he said that he had a feeling. Then went on to ask me what my type was. I answered, and right after answering, I knew that I had somehow described him, and I wondered if he knew. But then we talked about how we have the tendency to fall for friends. He called me both smart on dumb on that part, bu then admitted that he is the same. Maybe one day I should ask him who he likes :P , that would be a hell of a fun time... or would it? I guess it depends on the answer I would get from him.

But I do know that I'm special to him, whether it be as someone of interest or simply as a friend. He has told me on multiple occasions that I am irreplaceable to him, that it is not the same when I am not around, and that if the island of Montreal sank like Atlantis, that he would try his hardest to save me (even though we live about an hour away from each other by car with no traffic), along with other little things as well. Today I also went to W's Anatomy class, which H is part of, and instead of sitting with SB (which I think is his best friend) he came and sat with W and me instead.

I've decided to give this quote a try "When a guy likes you... he'll text you a lot, stay up every night with you, compliment you, and always have time for you." (x) I've done 2 test runs, I decided I would no text him or be the first to start a conversation with him on Skype. The first time didn't work out, cause we made plans and I ended up cancelling them, so I had to tell him somehow, so I texted him. The second time worked out pretty well, I didn't text or talk to him all of Friday and Saturday along with most of Sunday. He ended up messaging me last night, and that is how this post came to be. He messaged me simply to see how I was, and we ended up talking about anything and everything. And if this quote hold true, it means he likes me. Well I can hope right? He does text me a lot though, even when we have nothing to talk about, we stay up on Skype talking about nothing, he always compliments me somehow and he always finds time to help me out or hang out with me when I ask.

Though it looks like I am the only on that makes plans, at least I know he makes an effort to tlak to me when I don't :P


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