Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer is Here!

Hey guys!

Classes are over, the sun is shining, the temperature is burning up, not to mention that finals are over and I am FREE! Well, from CEGEP at least. The temperature is beautiful in MTL all week, and summer feels like it's already here. The sun is shinning, the temperature is at least a balmy 25-ish (I won't lie), what else can a girl ask for? Ohh ya! Plans with her friends for the whole summer!

So, I'm currently working, but I'm going to make sure I still see my friends as much as possible. Especially because some of them are traveling this summer, to cool places in other continents and I am stuck here, in MTL, not that there's anything  wrong with that, but you have to admit, it's not that cool to stay in town. But I may go to NYC at the end of the summer, fingers crossed that'll happen :)

The summer is starting off pretty well, I'm working a little and so far, made quite a few plans, I have museum day. For those of you in the MTL area, you should check it out, it's on the 27th (tomorrow) and it's free access to 29 of the museums in town (x). And then I have a Laronde day planed out with my friends, so AB, W, ST, SB, AK, H and of course myself. It's going to be a fun time, so hopefully no rain! Then I'm going to be checking out the Star Wars Identity exhibit at the science center (I know what id it with me and museums). I also have a few days I'm planning to go shopping with a few friends, once again NYC at the end of summer, and a trip to the beach :) Hopefully most of this will happen and more :) I also have to make plans with AA, because we've always bailed on our plans in the past.

Also not to mention the 20 books I have on my ever growing reading list! Yes, I am a big reader, I enjoy reading a lot. so now you guys know I am a bookworm :)

So let me tell you guys how I kicked off finishing school, after my  last final, I volunteered for the Montreal Children's Radiothon (I know, lame! who does volunteering right after an exam?), then went out to a pub with friends and had a few drinks, and watching drunk guys yell and dance, now that was funny. But the highlight of the night was when the guy at the table next to us bought our whole table a round of tequila shots! It was super nice of him. and I also went to watch the Avengers yesterday. So that is how I kicked of my summer and a few of my plans. How have your summers started and what do you have planned?

Enjoy the sunshine :)

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